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Long-term experience with conservation tillage practices in Austria: Impacts on soil erosion processes
Soil and Tillage Research ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2020.104669
Andreas Klik , Josef Rosner

In 1994 a field study started at three sites in eastern Austria to investigate the impacts of mulch till and no-till on soil erosion, surface runoff, nutrient and pesticide losses. The aim of this paper is to show long-term impacts of reduced tillage on runoff, erosion and related processes.

The experiments were carried out on fields of agricultural schools in Lower Austria about 100 km north and west of Vienna. Soil textures range from silt loam to silty clay loam. Average annual rainfall at the sites ranges from 621 to 916 mm with average annual air temperatures between 9.4 and 10.4 °C. The following soil tillage treatments were investigated: (1) conventional tillage system with ploughing in fall (CT), (2) mulch tillage with cover crops during winter (MT) and (3) no-till with cover crops during winter (NT).

Throughout growing season event based measurements of soil erosion, surface runoff, and nutrient and carbon losses were conducted for all sites and tillage systems. Data on losses of pesticide residues are only available for a few years. The crop rotation at the sites was mainly small grains-root crop but included also other field crops.

On a long-term basis reduced tillage practices decreased surface runoff from silt loam by 25–55 % (MT) and 49–60 % (NT). For the not well drained silty clay loam soil an increase by 12–21 % was observed which is related to significantly higher soil bulk densities of MT and NT in the 0−20 cm depth. Mean long-term annual erosion rates for CT ranged between 8.6 and 33.2 t ha−1, for MT between 3.6 and 5.3 t ha−1and for NT between 1.9 and 3.0 t ha−1. Compared to conventional tillage MT and NT reduced soil loss from a silty clay loam by 38 and 65 %, and from silt loam by 70–88 % and 84–93 %, respectively. 10−30% fewer erosion events occurred from MT plots and about 20 % fewer events from NT plots. Higher aggregate stabilities of MT and NT due to higher soil organic carbon contents in the 0−10 cm soil depth, higher soil cover as well as lower flow velocities are responsible for this reduction in soil loss from reduced tillage treatments.

Low erosion rates from the reduced tilled plots correlated with low runoff losses of nitrogen and phosphorus. Total nitrogen losses ranged from 13.3–48.1 kg ha−1 for CT, from 4.5–18.7 kg ha−1 for MT and from 1.6–9.4 for NT. Total nitrogen losses ranged from 13.3–48.1 kg ha−1 for CT, from 4.5–18.7 kg ha−1 for MT and from 1.6–9.4 for NT. Corresponding total P losses ranged from 6.7–29.4 kg ha−1 for CT, 2.1 to 3.7 kg ha−1 for MT and from 0.7 to 2.4 kg ha−1 for NT. Low erosion rates from the reduced tilled plots correlated with low runoff losses of nitrogen and phosphorus even though N and P concentrations in runoff were greater than from CT and sediments were enriched severalfold in N and P. Conservation tillage methods reduced the SOC losses by 34–86 % for MT and by 58–89 % for NT. Other studies show that these results are not only obtained in central Europe but also in other regions worldwide.

The long-term results of this study show that the use of mulch and no tillage in well-drained soils is beneficial for the farmers under central European conditions by improving soil´s aggregate stability and soil water contents and for the environment by reducing soil and nutrient losses.






从长期来看,减少耕作的做法使粉壤土的地表径流减少了25-55%(MT)和49-60%(NT)。对于排水不良的粉质粘土壤土,观察到增加了12-21%,这与在0-20厘米深度处MT和NT的土壤容重明显更高有关。CT的平均长期年侵蚀率在8.6至33.2 t ha -1之间,MT在3.6至5.3 t ha -1之间,NT在1.9至3.0 t ha -1之间。与常规耕作相比,MT和NT分别使粉质粘土壤土和粉壤土的土壤流失分别降低了38%和65%,以及70%至88%和84%至93%。MT地块发生的侵蚀事件减少了10-30%,NT地块发生的腐蚀事件减少了约20%。减少耕作处理可减少土壤流失,这是由于0-10厘米土壤深度中较高的土壤有机碳含量,较高的MT和NT的总稳定性。

减少耕作地块的低侵蚀速率与氮磷的径流损失低有关。CT的总氮损失范围为13.3-48.1 kg ha -1,MT的总氮损失范围为4.5-18.7 kg ha -1,NT的范围为1.6-9.4。CT的总氮损失范围为13.3-48.1 kg ha -1,MT的总氮损失范围为4.5-18.7 kg ha -1,NT的范围为1.6-9.4。对应全P损耗从6.7-29.4公斤公顷范围-1为CT,2.1至3.7公斤公顷-1为MT和从0.7至2.4公斤公顷-1对于NT。尽管径流中的N和P浓度大于CT且沉积物中N和P的富集程度较高,但减少耕作地的低侵蚀速率与氮磷的径流损失较低相关。保护性耕作方法使SOC损失减少了34– MT为86%,NT为58–89%。其他研究表明,这些结果不仅在中欧获得,而且在全球其他地区也获得。

