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Transit-based job accessibility and urban spatial structure
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102748
Ruihong Huang

Abstract Job accessibility is a measure of people, opportunities, and transportation system that are fundamental elements of urban spatial structure. Therefore, job accessibility can be used as a tool to understand urban spatial structure. Studying transit-based job accessibility can provide more insight into inner cities. To study transit-based job accessibility, a person-based approach is needed in order to take full consideration of the elements. However, person-based approaches are substantially restricted by the availability of individual trip data. This paper takes a simulation approach to study transit-based job accessibility. First, transit-dependent worker agents are generated using a population synthesis. Then the agents are enabled with job search and commuting capabilities. Once the agents are deployed in a commuting simulation, individual commuting trips are recorded. An individual job accessibility index is developed based on simulated commuting trips. The index is normalized with an expected value of 1.0 and a measurable uncertainty level, which makes it easy to interpret and suitable for cross-regional studies. A case study is conducted in Tucson, Arizona, where about 10,000 transit-dependent worker agents produce more than 600,000 individual commuting trips during morning and afternoon peak hours. Census block, group-level job accessibility shows a random spatial pattern that coincides with a dispersed urban spatial structure of the case study area.



摘要 工作可及性是衡量作为城市空间结构基本要素的人、机会和交通系统的指标。因此,工作可及性可以作为理解城市空间结构的工具。研究基于交通的工作可及性可以提供对内城的更多洞察。研究基于公交的工作可及性,需要基于人的方法,以充分考虑要素。然而,基于个人的方法在很大程度上受到个人旅行数据可用性的限制。本文采用模拟方法研究基于交通的工作可及性。首先,使用人口综合生成依赖交通的工人代理。然后,代理启用了工作搜索和通勤功能。在通勤模拟中部署代理后,记录个人通勤行程。个人工作可达性指数是根据模拟通勤旅行制定的。该指数采用1.0的预期值和可测量的不确定性水平进行归一化,易于解释并适用于跨区域研究。在亚利桑那州图森进行了一项案例研究,大约 10,000 名依赖公交的工人代理人在上午和下午的高峰时段进行了超过 600,000 次的个人通勤旅行。人口普查区块、群体级别的工作可及性显示出随机空间模式,与案例研究区的分散城市空间结构相吻合。这使得它易于解释并适用于跨区域研究。在亚利桑那州图森进行了一项案例研究,大约 10,000 名依赖公交的工人代理人在上午和下午的高峰时段进行了超过 600,000 次的个人通勤旅行。人口普查区块、群体级别的工作可及性显示出随机空间模式,与案例研究区的分散城市空间结构相吻合。这使得它易于解释并适用于跨区域研究。在亚利桑那州图森进行了一项案例研究,大约 10,000 名依赖公交的工人代理人在上午和下午的高峰时段进行了超过 600,000 次的个人通勤旅行。人口普查区块、群体级别的工作可及性显示出随机空间模式,与案例研究区的分散城市空间结构相吻合。