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A Recipe for Success.
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1891/rtnp-d-20-00015
Melinda Hermanns 1

M any academic institutionsmay utilize the four categories of Boyer’smodel of scholarship: a) discovery, (b) scholarship, (c) application/engagement, and (d) teaching and learning as a framework whereby the professoriate can frame their materials for the tenure and promotion dossier (Boyer, 1997). While models such as Boyer’s exist, specific requirements may vary among universities, but also among departments/programs within a university. For some academicians, the discovery of scholarship whereby new knowledge is generated may be one of the primary expectations. Based on this premise, and having received tenure and promotion, I am frequently asked, “how did you do it?” My response is quite simple, yet it may not be what you anticipate. Given that I frequently share what has worked for me on my professional journey, I have become known in my academic community for my stove top analogy. Youmay be asking yourself, “what does a stove top have to do with tenure and promotion?” In my professional opinion, it is an essential ingredient required in a recipe for success. Visualize a traditional noncommercial ovenwhere there are four burners and four pans: One pan for each burner. On one burner, you have a “manuscript/grant pan” for example (you can insert your immediate scholarly need/task). Perhaps this pan is a manuscript that you have submitted and you just received notice that revisions are in order. That pan is boiling on your stove and requires your immediate attention. You have three additional pans on your stove top that are at varying degrees of temperature and attention. Perhaps you are in data collection and the next step is data analysis and that pan is on medium intensity. Perhaps your third pan is set on low as you have submitted a manuscript and you’re waiting for feedback or, there is a query letter needing to be sent. And, your fourth and final pan, the burner is set on warm to percolate. This could be a manuscript idea (journaling can be a useful tool to write/document your ideas for future projects), a notice for a grant application, or a query letter that you are thinking about sending. The recipe for success is that you have all four burners going at the same time. While we do not have control over if and when a manuscript will get published or, if a grant application will be awarded, the rationale for “prepping, cooking, and serving” is if you wait to start a manuscript, grant application, abstract, months and months can pass by and a



许多学术机构都可以利用博耶的奖学金模型的四类:a) 发现,(b) 奖学金,(c) 应用/参与,以及 (d) 教学和学习作为一个框架,教授可以以此为框架构建他们的材料任期和晋升档案(博耶,1997 年)。虽然存在 Boyer 等模型,但具体要求可能因大学而异,但也可能因大学内的部门/课程而异。对于一些院士来说,发现产生新知识的学术可能是主要的期望之一。基于这个前提,在获得任期和晋升后,我经常被问到,“你是怎么做到的?” 我的回答很简单,但可能不是您所期望的。鉴于我经常分享在我的职业生涯中对我有用的东西,我在我的学术界因我的炉顶比喻而闻名。您可能会问自己,“炉顶与任期和晋升有什么关系?” 在我的专业意见中,它是成功秘诀所需的基本要素。想象一个传统的非商业烤箱,它有四个燃烧器和四个平底锅:每个燃烧器一个平底锅。例如,在一个燃烧器上,您有一个“手稿/赠款盘”(您可以插入您当前的学术需求/任务)。也许这个锅是你提交的手稿,你刚收到通知,说修改是有序的。那个锅在你的炉子上沸腾了,需要你立即关注。您的炉顶上还有三个额外的平底锅,它们的温度和注意力都不同。也许您正在收集数据,下一步是数据分析,而该平底锅处于中等强度。也许你的第三个平底锅设置低了,因为你已经提交了一份手稿,你正在等待反馈,或者需要发送一封询问信。而且,您的第四个也是最后一个平底锅,燃烧器设置为温暖以渗透。这可能是一个手稿想法(日志可以是一个有用的工具来编写/记录您对未来项目的想法)、一个资助申请通知或您正在考虑发送的询问信。成功的秘诀是让所有四个燃烧器同时运行。虽然我们无法控制是否以及何时发表手稿,或者是否授予资助申请,但“准备、烹饪和服务”的理由是,如果您等待开始手稿、资助申请、摘要、