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Phenotype-dependent habitat choice is too weak to cause assortative mating between Drosophila melanogaster strains differing in light sensitivity
bioRxiv - Evolutionary Biology Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.27.119271
Juan Ramón Peralta-Rincón , Fatima Zohra Aoulad , Antonio Prado , Pim Edelaar

Over the last few years, matching habitat choice has gained attention as a mechanism for maintaining biodiversity and driving speciation. It revolves around the idea that individuals select the habitat in which they perceive to obtain greater fitness after a prior evaluation of their local performance across heterogeneous environments. This results in individuals with similar ecological traits converging to the same patches, and hence could indirectly cause assortative mating when mating occurs in those patches. White-eyed mutants of Drosophila fruit flies have a series of disadvantages compared to wild type flies, including a poorer performance under bright light. It has been previously reported that, when given a choice, wild type Drosophila simulans preferred a brightly lit habitat while white-eyed mutants occupied a dimly lit one. This spatial segregation allowed the eye color polymorphism to be maintained for several generations, whereas normally it is quickly replaced by the wild type. Here we compare the habitat choice decisions of white-eyed and wild type flies in another species, D. melanogaster. We released groups of flies in a light gradient and recorded their departure and settlement behavior. Departure depended on sex and phenotype, but not on the light conditions of the release point. Settlement depended on sex, and on the interaction between phenotype and light conditions of the point of settlement. Nonetheless, simulations showed that this differential habitat use by the phenotypes would only cause a minimal degree of assortative mating in this species.



在过去的几年中,相匹配的栖息地选择作为一种维持生物多样性和驱动物种形成的机制而受到关注。它围绕以下思想:个人在事先评估了他们在异构环境中的本地性能之后,选择了他们认为能够获得更大适应性的栖息地。这导致具有相似生态特征的个体收敛到相同的斑块,因此当在那些斑块中发生交配时,可能间接导致分类交配。果蝇果蝇的白眼突变体与野生型果蝇相比具有一系列缺点,包括在强光下的性能较差。以前有报道说,如果有选择,野生型果蝇模拟物首选光线明亮的栖息地,而白眼突变体则占据光线昏暗的栖息地。这种空间隔离使眼睛的颜色多态性可以保持几代,而通常它很快就被野生型所取代。在这里,我们比较了另一种D. melanogaster中白眼和野生型苍蝇的栖息地选择决策。我们以较浅的渐变释放了几组苍蝇,并记录了它们的离开和定居行为。出发时间取决于性别和表型,但不取决于释放点的光照条件。定居取决于性别,以及表型和定居点光照条件之间的相互作用。尽管如此,模拟表明,表型对栖息地的不同利用只会在该物种中引起最小程度的交配。