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Latitudinal pattern in community‐wide herbivory does not match the pattern in herbivory averaged across common plant species
Journal of Ecology ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13438
Elena L. Zvereva 1 , Vitali Zverev 1 , Vladimir A. Usoltsev 2, 3 , Mikhail V. Kozlov 1

  1. The latitudinal herbivory hypothesis (LHH) predicts that plant losses to herbivores decrease from low to high latitudes. Although the LHH is a community‐level hypothesis, it has been rarely tested with data on community‐wide herbivory, i.e. the percentage of annual production of foliar biomass consumed by insects from all plant species at a given site. Therefore, we asked whether community‐wide leaf herbivory follows the same latitudinal pattern as observed for an unweighted average of herbivory across common plant species.
  2. We selected 10 study sites in boreal forests from 60 to 69°N along a 1,000‐km long latitudinal gradient in NW Russia. We measured relative foliar losses to insect herbivores in seven woody plant species (jointly comprising over 95% of the community‐wide above‐ground biomass) and estimated their current‐year foliar biomass. We averaged leaf herbivory for all seven species and calculated community‐wide leaf herbivory by weighting the relative foliar losses of each plant species against the contribution of that species to the annual foliar biomass production.
  3. Leaf herbivory was five‐fold higher in deciduous species than in conifers. Latitudinal patterns in herbivory varied from a significant poleward decrease in all deciduous species to a significant poleward increase in Norway spruce. Herbivory values, averaged across seven plant species, decreased with latitude and followed the pattern observed in deciduous plants due to their higher foliar losses compared with conifers. By contrast, community‐wide herbivory did not change with latitude. This discrepancy emerged because the proportion of deciduous plant foliage in the community increased with increasing latitude, and this increase counterbalanced the simultaneous poleward decrease in losses of these species to insects.
  4. Synthesis. The herbivory measured by averaging relative losses of individual plant species and community‐wide herbivory is likely to show different latitudinal patterns in various plant communities. The contributions of plant species to the total foliar biomass production should be taken into account in studies of spatial patterns of herbivory which test community‐level hypotheses. This approach may provide new insight into macroecological research on biotic interactions and improve our understanding of the role of insect herbivores in ecosystem‐level processes.



  1. 经纬度的草食动物假说(LHH)预测,草食动物的植物损失将从低纬度到高纬度减少。尽管LHH是一个社区级的假设,但很少用社区范围内的食草数据进行检验,即给定位置上所有植物物种的昆虫消耗的叶生物量的年产量百分比。因此,我们询问整个社区的食草性是否遵循与普通植物物种未加权平均食草性相同的纬度模式。
  2. 我们在俄罗斯西北部沿1000 km长的纬度梯度在60-69°N的北方森林中选择了10个研究地点。我们测量了7种木本植物(合计占社区地上生物量的95%以上)对昆虫食草动物的相对叶面损失,并估算了它们当年的叶面生物量。我们对所有七个物种的平均叶片食草性进行了平均,并通过权衡每种植物物种的相对叶面损失相对于该物种对年度叶片生物量生产的贡献,来计算整个社区的叶片食草性。
  3. 落叶树种中的草食性比针叶树高五倍。食草动物的纬度分布方式从所有落叶物种的极极减少到挪威云杉的极极增加变化。由于与针叶树相比,其叶面损失较高,因此七个植物物种的平均食草值随纬度降低,并遵循在落叶植物中观察到的模式。相反,社区范围内的食草性并没有随纬度而变化。之所以出现这种差异,是因为随着纬度的增加,群落中落叶植物叶子的比例也随之增加,而这种增加抵消了这些物种对昆虫的损失同时极速下降。
  4. 综合。通过平均单个植物物种和社区范围内食草动物的相对损失而测得的食草动物在各种植物群落中可能表现出不同的纬度格局。在草食性空间格局研究中,应考虑植物物种对叶片生物量总产量的贡献,以检验群落水平的假设。这种方法可能为生物相互作用的宏观生态学研究提供新的见识,并增进我们对昆虫食草动物在生态系统级过程中的作用的理解。