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Effect of GnRH agonist deslorelin implant on spermatogenesis and testosterone concentration in Guinea pigs (Cavia aperea porcellus)
Theriogenology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.05.038
Kristyna Glocova 1 , Petr Cizek 1 , Robert Novotny 2 , Karel Hauptman 3 , Frantisek Tichy 1

Guinea pigs are social animals that are often kept in groups regardless of their gender. Due to reproduction control and male aggressiveness prevention, surgical castration is commonly required. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of GnRH agonist implant (4.7 mg deslorelinum) on the serum testosterone concentration (T) and spermatogenesis in male guinea pigs. Twenty-four animals were divided into two groups. All animals in the first group were neutered (Group 1), animals in the second group (Group 2) were administered the implant subcutaneously and then neutered in one-month intervals. A histological examination was performed when cross sections of seminiferous tubules were assessed. Subsequently, these tubules were divided based on the most developed germ cell observed: spermatogonia, spermatocytes, round spermatids, elongating spermatids and elongated spermatids. The anticipated decrease in testosterone concentration and cessation of spermatogenesis was not achieved. Thus, the results obtained proved the inefficacy of the deslorelin implant in male guinea pigs so the alternative methods of contraception remain the methods of choice.


GnRH激动剂deslorelin植入物对豚鼠(Cavia aperea porcellus)精子发生和睾酮浓度的影响

豚鼠是群居动物,无论性别如何,它们都经常成群结队地饲养。由于生殖控制和男性攻击性预防,通常需要手术阉割。在本研究中,我们评估了 GnRH 激动剂植入物(4.7 mg deslorelinum)对雄性豚鼠血清睾酮浓度 (T) 和精子发生的影响。将二十四只动物分成两组。第一组中的所有动物(第 1 组)都进行了绝育,第二组(第 2 组)中的动物皮下注射植入物,然后每隔一个月进行一次绝育。当评估生精小管的横截面时进行组织学检查。随后,这些小管根据观察到的最发达的生殖细胞进行划分:精原细胞、精母细胞、圆形精子细胞、伸长的精子细胞和伸长的精子细胞。未达到预期的睾酮浓度降低和精子发生停止。因此,获得的结果证明了去氯瑞林植入物在雄性豚鼠中的无效性,因此替代避孕方法仍然是首选方法。