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Occurrence, characterization, and ecological assessment of petroleum-related hydrocarbons in intertidal marine sediments of Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Marine Pollution Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111304
Zeyu Yang 1 , Keval Shah 1 , Sonia Laforest 1 , Emile Cardinal 1 , Patrick Lambert 1 , Bruce P Hollebone 1 , Carl E Brown 1 , Michael Goldthorp 1 , Kevin Waston 1 , Chun Yang 1

Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), n-alkanes, petroleum biomarkers, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed in the intertidal sediments of Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Most of the sampling sites had low TPH (<40 μg/g). Only 10% of sampling sites, located nearby a harbour and densely populated areas, had relatively high TPH (<260 μg/g). Main biogenic n-alkanes were present in all the sites, except for the main petrogenic input in the sample from the upper intertidal zone (UIZ) of the Maplewood Mudflats. Most sites had trace amounts of petroleum biomarkers. Mixed pyrogenic and petrogenic inputs contributed to PAHs at most sites. PAHs did not show potential toxicity to benthic organisms at most sites; however, possible negative effects from some of the detected PAHs were found for the samples from the UIZs of the Maplewood Mudflats and Labour View Park, and from the lower intertidal zone (LIZ) of Gates Park.


加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市Burrard Inlet潮间带海洋沉积物中与石油有关的碳氢化合物的发生,特征和生态学评估。

在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的Burrard Inlet潮间带沉积物中分析了总石油烃(TPH),构烷烃,石油生物标志物和多环芳烃(PAH)。大多数采样点的TPH较低(<40μg/ g)。只有10%的采样点位于港口附近和人口稠密的地区,其TPH相对较高(<260μg/ g)。主要生源ñ链烷烃存在于所有场所,除了来自Maplewood Mudflats上部潮间带(UIZ)的样品中的主要成岩作用。大多数站点都有痕量石油生物标志物。在大多数地点,混合的热源和岩石成因投入促成了多环芳烃。在大多数地方,PAHs对底栖生物没有潜在的毒性。但是,从一些检测到的PAHs中可能发现的不利影响来自Maplewood Mudflats和Labor View Park的UIZ和盖茨公园的下部潮间带(LIZ)。
