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Coupling evapotranspiration partitioning with water migration to identify the water consumption characteristics of wheat and maize in an intercropping system
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108034
Longshuai Ma , Yinjuan Li , Pute Wu , Xining Zhao , Xiaoli Chen , Xiaodong Gao

Abstract Climate change will likely intensify water shortages, so more attention should be given to the efficient use of agricultural water in agricultural production, especially under rainfed conditions. Therefore, studying and understanding crop water consumption amounts and patterns is of great importance. However, the amount of water consumed by the component crops in strip intercropping systems has received little attention. To close this knowledge gap, a two-year field experiment of sole wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sole maize (Zea mays L.), and wheat/maize strip intercropping was carried out under rainfed conditions. Soil water content, sap flow, soil water evaporation, and evaporation of canopy interception were measured both in intercrops and sole crops. Soil water movement between strips, evapotranspiration components, and water use efficiency were calculated. Compared with corresponding sole crops, intercropping increased water consumption of wheat and maize during the growing period of each crop. Intercropped wheat obtained soil water from the adjacent maize strip during the co-growth period, while intercropped maize obtained soil water from the adjacent wheat strip after wheat harvest. The amount of water obtained by maize was much less than the amount of water obtained by wheat. The transpiration of intercropped wheat was greater than that of sole wheat, but the transpiration of intercropped maize was lower than that of sole maize. Compared with sole cropping, intercropping increased the sap flow rate of wheat in border rows but reduced sap flow rate of maize in border rows, and this phenomenon was pronounced in the case of drought. After wheat harvest, soil water evaporation from the intercropped wheat strip was less than that from sole wheat, and evaporation from the intercropped maize strip was significantly higher than that of sole maize. The two-year average water use efficiency of intercropped wheat was 32% more than that of sole wheat, and water use efficiency of intercropped maize was 10% less than that of sole maize. These results can improve the understanding of water consumption in wheat and maize of intercropping from the point of evapotranspiration partitioning, and provide implications for water management of intercropping system under rainfed conditions.



摘要 气候变化可能会加剧水资源短缺,因此在农业生产中应更加重视农业用水的有效利用,尤其是在雨养条件下。因此,研究和了解作物耗水量和耗水规律具有重要意义。然而,条带间作系统中组分作物消耗的水量很少受到关注。为了弥补这一知识差距,在雨养条件下进行了单一小麦 (Triticum aestivum L.)、单一玉米 (Zea mays L.) 和小麦/玉米条带间作的两年田间试验。测量了间作和单季作物的土壤含水量、树液流量、土壤水分蒸发和冠层截留蒸发。条带之间的土壤水分运动、蒸散成分、并计算用水效率。与相应的单一作物相比,间作增加了小麦和玉米各作物生育期的耗水量。间作小麦在共生期从相邻玉米带获取土壤水,而间作玉米在小麦收获后从相邻小麦带获取土壤水。玉米获得的水分比小麦获得的水分少得多。间作小麦的蒸腾量大于单作小麦,但间作玉米的蒸腾量低于单作玉米。与单作相比,间作增加了边境行小麦的树液流量,但降低了边境行玉米的树液流量,这种现象在干旱情况下更为明显。小麦收割后,间作麦带的土壤水分蒸发量小于单作小麦,间作玉米带的蒸发量显着高于单作玉米。间作小麦两年平均水分利用效率比单作小麦高32%,间作玉米水分利用效率比单作玉米低10%。这些结果可以从蒸散分配的角度提高对间作小麦和玉米耗水量的理解,并为雨养条件下间作系统的水分管理提供启示。间作小麦两年平均水分利用效率比单作小麦高32%,间作玉米水分利用效率比单作玉米低10%。这些结果可以从蒸散分配的角度提高对间作小麦和玉米耗水量的理解,并为雨养条件下间作系统的水分管理提供启示。间作小麦两年平均水分利用效率比单作小麦高32%,间作玉米水分利用效率比单作玉米低10%。这些结果可以从蒸散分配的角度提高对间作小麦和玉米耗水量的理解,并为雨养条件下间作系统的水分管理提供启示。