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Giant petrels (Macronectes spp.) prey on depredating sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)
Polar Biology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02687-2
Jared R. Towers , Nicolas Gasco

Relationships between seabirds and cetaceans can vary from symbiotic to predatory. At high latitude seas in the Southern Hemisphere, giant petrels (Macronectes spp.) and male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are often solitary, but commercial longlining for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) provides consistent feeding opportunities that result in persistent aggregations of both. From ~ 1997 to 2019, we opportunistically photographed 23 events where individual giant petrels preyed on the flesh of live sperm whales that were depredating from Patagonian toothfish longliners near South Georgia, Crozet, and Kerguelen Islands. Both immature and adult southern (M. giganteus) and northern (M. halli) giant petrels were implicated in these predation events. Sperm whales reacted to attacks from one or more giant petrels by sinking or flinching, and then arching, rolling, diving, and snorkelling at the surface during subsequent predation attempts. Depredating sperm whales will dive deep, fast, and for long periods which can result in limited dive ability while replenishing oxygen stores at the surface. This behaviour, and the relatively high density of both species around longlining vessels may facilitate unique opportunities for giant petrels to exploit live sperm whales that are not likely as common under circumstances not sustained by longlining operations


巨型海燕 (Macronectes spp.) 捕食正在灭绝的抹香鲸 (Physeter macrocephalus)

海鸟和鲸类之间的关系可以从共生关系到捕食性。在南半球的高纬度海域,巨型海燕 (Macronectes spp.) 和雄性抹香鲸 (Physeter macrocephalus) 通常是独居的,但巴塔哥尼亚牙鱼 (Dissostichus eleginoides) 的商业延绳钓提供了持续的觅食机会,导致两者的持续聚集。从 1997 年到 2019 年,我们随机拍摄了 23 次事件,其中个体巨型海燕捕食活抹香鲸的肉,这些抹香鲸从南乔治亚岛、克罗泽岛和凯尔盖朗群岛附近的巴塔哥尼亚牙鱼延绳钓中掠夺。未成熟和成年的南方 (M. giganteus) 和北方 (M. halli) 巨型海燕都与这些捕食事件有关。在随后的捕食尝试中,抹香鲸对来自一只或多只巨型海燕的攻击做出反应,下沉或退缩,然后在水面拱起、翻滚、潜水和浮潜。毁灭性抹香鲸会潜入深、快速、长时间,这会导致潜水能力有限,同时补充水面的氧气储备。这种行为以及延绳钓船周围两种物种相对较高的密度可能为巨型海燕提供独特的机会来利用活抹香鲸,而在延绳钓作业无法维持的情况下,这种情况不太常见 并且长时间会导致潜水能力受限,同时补充水面的氧气储备。这种行为以及延绳钓船周围两种物种相对较高的密度可能为巨型海燕提供独特的机会来利用活抹香鲸,而在延绳钓作业无法维持的情况下,这种情况不太常见 并且长时间会导致潜水能力受限,同时补充水面的氧气储备。这种行为以及延绳钓船周围两种物种相对较高的密度可能为巨型海燕提供独特的机会来利用活抹香鲸,而在延绳钓作业无法维持的情况下,这种情况不太常见