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Migration of black-naped terns in contrasted cyclonic conditions
Marine Biology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00227-020-03691-0
Jean-Baptiste Thiebot , Noboru Nakamura , Yutaka Toguchi , Naoki Tomita , Kiyoaki Ozaki

Cyclones are currently increasing in frequency and intensity across the tropical regions, and such changes in cyclonic activity can adversely impact tropical marine ecosystems. To examine the potential effects of these changes on marine migrations, we tracked the annual at-sea distribution of black-naped terns from Okinawa Islands, southwest Japan (26.5° N; 127.9° E). Using light-based geolocation loggers, we compared the migration chronology of six terns between 4 years of contrasted conditions regarding cyclones (regionally called typhoons). Shortly after breeding (30 August ± 13.9 days), the birds undertook their migration across the Philippine Sea to coastal regions of Borneo and Sulawesi Islands, and seemed able to avoid or cross the storm systems. The two birds tracked in years of medium–high typhoon activity (2012–2014) seemed to target a stopover area in the northern Philippines several days after a typhoon hit. By contrast, in 2017, no strong typhoon hit in August and the four study birds showed later departure by 23.8 days, but moved significantly quicker, with little or no stopover. Arrival date at the wintering site was similar among years (1 October ± 3.5 days). Terns thus show remarkable variability in their migration chronology, presumably linked with annual storm frequency. However, the limits to this variability are currently unknown. Further, if individuals respond to environmental cues to time their migration to potentially benefit from lagged optimal feeding conditions en route, it is likely that the increase of back-to-back cyclonic events in the region may reduce the benefits of such a strategy for surface-feeding predators.



目前热带地区的气旋频率和强度都在增加,气旋活动的这种变化会对热带海洋生态系统产生不利影响。为了研究这些变化对海洋迁徙的潜在影响,我们追踪了日本西南部冲绳群岛(北纬 26.5 度;东经 127.9 度)的黑枕燕鸥在海上的年度分布。使用基于光的地理定位记录器,我们比较了 4 年有关气旋(区域称为台风)的对比条件之间的六个燕鸥的迁徙年表。繁殖后不久(8 月 30 日 ± 13.9 天),这些鸟类开始跨越菲律宾海迁徙到婆罗洲和苏拉威西群岛的沿海地区,似乎能够避开或穿越风暴系统。在中强台风活动多年(2012-2014 年)中追踪的两只鸟似乎在台风袭击几天后瞄准了菲律宾北部的一个中途停留地区。相比之下,2017 年 8 月没有强台风袭击,四只研究鸟类的出发时间晚了 23.8 天,但移动速度明显更快,几乎没有或没有中途停留。越冬地点的到达日期与年份相似(10 月 1 日±3.5 天)。因此,燕鸥在它们的迁徙年代中表现出显着的可变性,这可能与每年的风暴频率有关。然而,这种可变性的限制目前未知。此外,如果个体对环境线索做出反应来确定他们的迁徙时间,以可能受益于途中滞后的最佳喂养条件,