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Patterns with Cold Atoms in a Square Optical Lattice
Journal of Russian Laser Research ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10946-020-09879-5
Sergey V. Prants , Leonid E. Kon’kov

We consider coherent dynamics of cold atoms in a square optical lattice without interference between counter-propagating laser beams. The dynamics is treated within the framework of semi-classical approximation, taking into account a coupling between the atom internal and external degrees of freedom. The corresponding set of equations of motion has been found before to be regular or chaotic in dependence on the values of the control parameters, the detuning between the atomic transition and laser frequencies, and the atom recoil frequency. In this paper, we carry out numerical experiments on spreading of cold atomic clouds in the lattice under different values of the detuning, keeping the recoil frequency to be fixed. The distributions of atoms differ strongly providing a way to control atomic transport by tuning just a single control parameter called the detuning. It is possible to drive cold atoms through different regimes of translational motion, from regular ballistic flights to chaotic walking. A possibility to observe the effect of chaotic walking in real experiments is discussed.


