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Male-mediated maturation in a wild primate
bioRxiv - Zoology Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.25.114934
Amy Lu , Jacob A. Feder , Noah Snyder-Mackler , Thore J. Bergman , Jacinta C. Beehner

In humans, a controversial hypothesis suggests that father absence promotes early puberty in daughters. Data from rodents confirm females accelerate maturation with exposure to novel males (Vandenbergh effect) and delay it with exposure to male relatives. Here, we report the first case of male-mediated maturation in a wild primate, geladas (Theropithecus gelada). Females were more likely to mature after a change in the reproductive male: some matured earlier than expected (Vandenbergh effect) and some later (due to father presence). Novel males stimulated a surge in estrogens for all immature females - even females too young to mature. Although male-mediated puberty accelerated first births, the effect was modest, suggesting that alternative scenarios, such as co-evolution with the Bruce effect (male-mediated fetal loss) may explain this phenomenon.



在人类中,一个有争议的假设表明,父亲的缺席会促进女儿的早期青春期。啮齿动物的数据证实,雌性动物通过接触新的雄性动物而加速成熟(范登堡效应),而暴露于男性亲属中则延迟了成熟。在这里,我们报道在野生灵长类动物geladas(Theropithecus gelada)中男性介导的成熟的第一例。在生殖雄性发生变化后,雌性更可能成熟:一些早于预期(范登堡效应)成熟,有些则较晚(由于父亲在场)。新颖的雄性刺激所有未成熟雌性的雌激素激增-甚至年龄太小而无法成熟的雌性。尽管男性介导的青春期加快了第一胎的产生,但这种影响并不明显,这表明,