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Optical multi-stability in a nonlinear high-order microring resonator filter
APL Photonics ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-22 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0002941
Li Jin 1 , Luigi Di Lauro 2, 3 , Alessia Pasquazi 2 , Marco Peccianti 2 , David J. Moss 4 , Roberto Morandotti 3, 5 , Brent E. Little 6 , Sai Tak Chu 1

We theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate optical bi-stability and multi-stability in an integrated nonlinear high-order microring resonator filter based on high-index contrast doped silica glass. We use a nonlinear model accounting for both the Kerr and thermal effects to analyze the instability behavior of the coupled-resonator based filter. The model also accurately predicts the multi-stable behavior of the filter when the input frequency is slightly detuned. To understand the role of the intracavity power distribution, we investigate the detuning of the individual rings of the filter from the optical response with a pump–probe experiment. Such a measurement is performed scanning the filter with a low-power probe beam tuned a few free spectral ranges away from the resonance where the pump is coupled. A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the nonlinear behavior and the intracavity power distribution for the high-order microring resonator filter will help the design and implementation of future all-optical switching systems using this type of filter.


