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Key References: A New Feature of Accounts.
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.0c00326
Cynthia Burrows 1

I love reading new papers when they come out, but there are just so many great ones that I’m drowning! One way to stay current in chemical research without a huge time investment is to go to seminars and conferences (online, or someday again soon, in person) and another way is to read Accounts of Chemical Research. Each Account provides a critical summary of a research project, either from an individual research laboratory or from a collaboration, in a few pages plus ∼50 references. If the Account lures you into the subject, you may like to read more—but all 50 references are simply too daunting. Accordingly, the editorial board is introducing a new feature to the articles: Key References. This section of the manuscript will appear just ahead of the introduction and will be published as part of the main text. It will consist of 2–4 references from the authors’ lab(s) that are foundational to the Account, and they should answer the question, “If I wanted to learn more about the work described here, which papers would be best to read?” They should not be review articles. Each of the Key References should appear in standard ACS format including the article title. It should then be followed by one or two sentences that describe the significant findings of the paper that indicate why the authors chose to include this as a particularly relevant reference upon which the Account is based. As an example, I give some lead references below on the topic of nanopore analysis of DNA dynamics, a topic of interest in my lab that has been a collaboration with Henry White’s group.
  • Key References
  • Johnson, R. P.; Fleming, A. M.; Perera, R.; Burrows, C. J.; White, H. S. Dynamics of a DNA mismatch site held in confinement discriminate epigenetic modifications of cytosine. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2750–2756.1This single-molecule investigation with duplex DNA electrophoretically trapped in the α-hemolysin nanopore showed that each 5xC:C mismatch (x = H, m, hm, f, or ca) could be differentiated by its current–time trace in response to base-flipping events.
  • An, N.; Fleming, A. M.; Burrows, C. J. Interactions of the human telomere sequence with the α-hemolysin ion channel reveal structure-dependent signatures. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 8562–8570.2Capture of the two principal folds of the human telomere G-quadruplex in the vestibule of a protein nanopore showed that the hybrid-1 and hybrid-2 structures could be distinguished and individually counted by inspection of the electrical signatures.
  • An, N.; Fleming, A. M.; White, H. S.; Burrows, C. J. Nanopore detection of 8-oxoguanine in the human telomere repeat sequence. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4296–4307.3Optimizing conditions of G-quadruplex dynamics and chemical tagging of the oxidative damage lesion 8-oxoG led to detection of this modification in the human telomere sequence in single-molecule studies.
Johnson, R. P.; Fleming, A. M.; Perera, R.; Burrows, C. J.; White, H. S. Dynamics of a DNA mismatch site held in confinement discriminate epigenetic modifications of cytosine. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2750–2756.1This single-molecule investigation with duplex DNA electrophoretically trapped in the α-hemolysin nanopore showed that each 5xC:C mismatch (x = H, m, hm, f, or ca) could be differentiated by its current–time trace in response to base-flipping events. An, N.; Fleming, A. M.; Burrows, C. J. Interactions of the human telomere sequence with the α-hemolysin ion channel reveal structure-dependent signatures. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 8562–8570.2Capture of the two principal folds of the human telomere G-quadruplex in the vestibule of a protein nanopore showed that the hybrid-1 and hybrid-2 structures could be distinguished and individually counted by inspection of the electrical signatures. An, N.; Fleming, A. M.; White, H. S.; Burrows, C. J. Nanopore detection of 8-oxoguanine in the human telomere repeat sequence. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4296–4307.3Optimizing conditions of G-quadruplex dynamics and chemical tagging of the oxidative damage lesion 8-oxoG led to detection of this modification in the human telomere sequence in single-molecule studies. Please note that articles cited in the Key References section should also be the first 2–4 references in the reference section of the Account. Despite much discussion about why it is not really ideal to reference these articles first, as it is probably contrary to the normal flow of the article, the editors decided this is the most convenient and least error-prone method of preparing and revising a manuscript. Also, this means that the whole manuscript can be a single document, which makes the use of reference-managing software straightforward. The benefits of this new feature are twofold. First, we think that readers will immediately benefit by seeing what the authors view as the most significant original papers from their own lab. Second, we hope that the thought process of selecting these key references will remind authors that Accounts are not comprehensive reviews, nor are they meant to be vehicles to boost an individual’s h-index. Rather, Accounts are focused discussions of a research problem that should define clear goals, discuss the experimental approach, analyze results, and present a perspective toward the future. We hope you enjoy this new feature of Accounts of Chemical Research! Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This article has not yet been cited by other publications.



当新论文问世时,我喜欢阅读它们,但是我淹没了这么多伟大的论文!无需花费大量时间就可以保持最新的化学研究方法是参加研讨会和会议(在线或不久后有一天要亲自参加),另一种方法是阅读《化学研究报告》。每个帐户都在几页外加约50个参考文献中,提供了来自单个研究实验室或合作研究项目的重要摘要。如果“科目”吸引您进入该主题,则您可能想阅读更多内容,但是全部50篇参考文献实在太令人生畏。因此,编辑委员会正在为文章介绍一项新功能:关键参考。手稿的这一部分将在引言之前出现,并将作为正文的一部分发布。该书将包含来自作者实验室的2-4份参考资料,这些参考资料是该帐户的基础,他们应该回答以下问题:“如果我想详细了解此处介绍的工作,那么最好阅读哪些论文?” 他们应该不会是评论文章。每个关键参考均应以标准ACS格式显示,包括文章标题。然后,应在后面加上一两个句子来描述论文的重要发现,这些发现表明作者为什么选择将此作为包括该帐户的特别相关的参考。例如,我在下面提供了一些有关DNA动力学的纳米孔分析的主要参考资料,这是与亨利·怀特(Henry White)小组合作的实验室中感兴趣的话题。
  • 关键参考
  • 约翰逊,RP弗莱明,AM佩雷拉河CJ Burrows白色,HS封闭状态下的DNA错配位点的动力学可以区分胞嘧啶的表观遗传修饰。J.上午 化学 Soc2017年139,2750年至2756年。1这项利用单链DNA电泳捕获在α-溶血素纳米孔中的单分子研究表明,每个5xC:C错配(x = H,m,hm,f或ca)可以通过其当前时间痕迹来区分基本翻转事件
  • 安,N弗莱明,AMCJ Burrows人端粒序列与α-溶血素离子通道的相互作用揭示了结构依赖性特征。J.上午 化学 Soc。 2013135,8562-8570。2在蛋白质纳米孔的前庭中捕获了人类端粒G-四链体的两个主要折叠,表明可通过检查电学特征来区分和分别计数hybrid-1和hybrid-2结构
  • 安,N弗莱明,AM白色,HSCJ Burrows在人类端粒重复序列中的8-氧代鸟嘌呤的纳米孔检测。ACS Nano 2015,第9卷,第4296–4307页。3优化G-四链体动力学条件和氧化损伤部位8-oxoG的化学标记导致在单分子研究中检测到人类端粒序列中的这种修饰
约翰逊,RP弗莱明,AM佩雷拉河CJ Burrows白色,HS封闭状态下的DNA错配位点的动力学可以区分胞嘧啶的表观遗传修饰。J.上午 化学 Soc2017年139,2750年至2756年。1这项利用单链DNA电泳捕获在α-溶血素纳米孔中的单分子研究表明,每个5xC:C错配(x = H,m,hm,f或ca)可以通过响应于其的当前时间轨迹来区分基本翻转事件安,N弗莱明,AMCJ Burrows人端粒序列与α-溶血素离子通道的相互作用揭示了结构依赖性特征。J.上午 化学 Soc。 2013135,8562-8570。2在蛋白质纳米孔的前庭中捕获了人类端粒G-四链体的两个主要折叠,表明可通过检查电学特征来区分和分别计数hybrid-1和hybrid-2结构安,N弗莱明,AM白色,HSCJ Burrows在人类端粒重复序列中的8-氧代鸟嘌呤的纳米孔检测。ACS Nano 2015,第9卷,第4296–4307页。3优化G-四链体动力学条件和氧化损伤部位的化学标记8-oxoG导致在单分子研究中检测到人类端粒序列中的这种修饰。请注意,“关键参考”部分中引用的文章也应该是“帐户”参考部分中的前2-4条参考。尽管有很多讨论为什么不首先参考这些文章并不理想,因为这可能与文章的正常编写流程相反,但编辑们还是认为这是准备和修改稿件的最方便且最不容易出错的方法。同样,这意味着整个手稿可以是单个文档,这使得引用管理软件的使用变得简单。此新功能的好处是双重的。首先,我们认为读者将从自己的实验室中看到作者认为是最重要的原创论文,从而立即受益。第二,我们希望,选择这些主要参考文献的过程会提醒作者,Accounts不是全面的评论,也不是要用来提高个人h指数的工具。相反,Accounts是对研究问题的重点讨论,应该定义明确的目标,讨论实验方法,分析结果并提出对未来的看法。我们希望您喜欢此新功能化学研究的帐户!本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。本文尚未被其他出版物引用。