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Oral Plus Topical Administration of Enrofloxacin-Hydrochloride-Dihydrate for the Treatment of Unresponsive Canine Pyoderma. A Clinical Trial.
Animals ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.3390/ani10060943
Lilia Gutierrez 1 , Graciela Tapia 2 , Luis Ocampo 1 , Minerva Monroy-Barreto 3 , Hector Sumano 1

An outpatient clinical trial on unresponsive deep-bacterial canine pyoderma (UDCP), without a control group, is presented. The chosen treatment was implemented with a new crystal-solvate of enrofloxacin (enrofloxacin HCl-2H2O or enro-C), in a dual scheme, i.e., 10 mg/kg/day PO, plus its topical administration, prepared as 0.5% in an alginate gel, thrice per day. Fifty-five cases that were unsuccessfully treated previously with another antibacterial drug, were selected and then classified as severe or very severe, according to a clinical score tailored for this trial. Aerobic bacteriological cultures of skin lesions and antibacterial sensitivity tests, were performed. Hematological status, liver, and kidney functions were determined before and after treatment. A complete success was obtained in 32 severe and 23 very severe, cases. The main bacterial isolates were: Staphylococcus intermedius (19/99), Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (16/99), Staphylococcus epidermidis (15/99), Staphylococcus pyogenes (14/99), Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus sp., and others including Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6/99). The average duration of treatment was 8.03 days ± 2.1 SD and 12.0 ± 2.4 days, for dogs with severe or very severe UDCP, respectively. The adverse effects caused by enro-C were inconsequential and the hematological tests showed no deviations from normality. The use of enro-C administered dually to treat UDCP, is considered safe and highly effective.



介绍了一项针对无反应的深部细菌性犬脓皮病 (UDCP) 的门诊临床试验,没有对照组。所选治疗采用新的恩诺沙星晶体溶剂化物(恩诺沙星HCl-2H 2 O或enro-C),采用双重方案,即10 mg/kg/天口服,加上其局部给药,配制为0.5%藻酸盐凝胶,每天三次。选择了 55 例之前使用另一种抗菌药物治疗失败的病例,然后根据为本次试验定制的临床评分将其分类为严重或非常严重。进行皮肤损伤的需氧细菌培养和抗菌敏感性测试。治疗前后测定血液学状态、肝肾功能。重症病例32例,极重症病例23例,取得了圆满成功。主要分离菌株为:中间葡萄球菌(19/99)、伪中间葡萄球菌(16/99)、表皮葡萄球菌(15/99)、化脓性葡萄球菌(14/99)、腐生葡萄球菌链球菌以及其他包括铜绿假单胞菌(6/99)。对于患有严重或非常严重的 UDCP 的狗,平均治疗持续时间分别为 8.03 天 ± 2.1 SD 和 12.0 ± 2.4 天。 enro-C 引起的不良反应无关紧要,血液学测试未显示偏离正常值。使用enro-C双重给药来治疗UDCP被认为是安全且高效的。