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Lunar Irregular Mare Patches: Classification, Characteristics, Geologic Settings, Updated Catalog, Origin, and Outstanding Questions
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1029/2019je006362
Le Qiao 1, 2 , James W. Head 3 , Zongcheng Ling 1 , Lionel Wilson 4

One of the most mysterious lunar features discovered during the Apollo era was Ina, a ~2 × 3‐km depression composed of bleb‐like mounds surrounded by hummocky and blocky terrains. Subsequent studies identified dozens of similar features in lunar maria, describing them as Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs). Due to the unusual and complex characteristics of IMPs, their specific formation mechanism is debated. To improve our understanding of the nature and origin of IMPs, we undertook an updated search and geological characterization of all IMPs and established a classification approach encompassing the full spectrum of IMPs. We present an updated catalog of 91 IMPs and survey the detailed characteristics of each IMP. We find that the majority of IMPs occur in maria emplaced over three billion years ago, contemporaneous with the peak period of global lunar volcanism. We utilized geologic context information and characteristics to establish two classification schemes for lunar IMPs: (1) geologic context: IMPs are categorized into (a) small shield volcano summit pit floor and flank, (b) linear/sinuous rille interior and adjacent exterior, and (c) typical maria; (2) characteristics: IMPs are classified into (a) “mound + floor” and (b) “pit only” types. We showed the range of characteristics of lunar IMPs was consistent with the waning‐stage magmatic foam formation and extrusion scenario in different environments. Our updated catalog and classification raise several outstanding questions concerning the nature and origin of lunar IMPs. Assessing these questions will improve our knowledge of lunar thermal and geologic evolution.



阿波罗时期发现的最神秘的月球特征之一是伊娜(Ina),它是一个约2×3公里的洼地,由丘状丘陵包围,周围是丘陵和块状地形。随后的研究发现月球玛丽亚有数十个相似的特征,将它们描述为不规则的母马斑块(IMPs)。由于IMP的异常和复杂特性,人们对它们的具体形成机理进行了讨论。为了增进对IMP的性质和起源的了解,我们对所有IMP进行了更新的搜索和地质表征,并建立了涵盖IMP整个范围的分类方法。我们提供了91个IMP的更新目录,并调查了每个IMP的详细特征。我们发现,大多数IMP发生在三十亿年前的玛丽亚地区,与全球月球火山活动的高峰期同时发生。我们利用地质背景信息和特征为月球IMPs建立了两种分类方案:(1)地质背景:IMPs分为(a)小盾构火山顶峰坑底面和侧面,(b)线性/弯曲小溪内部和相邻外部, (c)典型的玛丽亚;(2)特征:IMP分为(a)“土堆+地板”和(b)“仅坑”类型。我们显示了在不同环境中,月球IMPs的特征范围与减弱阶段的岩浆泡沫形成和挤压情况一致。我们更新后的目录和分类提出了有关月球IMPs的性质和来源的几个悬而未决的问题。评估这些问题将提高我们对月球热和地质演化的认识。我们利用地质背景信息和特征为月球IMPs建立了两种分类方案:(1)地质背景:IMPs被分类为(a)小盾构火山顶峰坑底面和侧面,(b)线性/弯曲小溪内部和相邻外部, (c)典型的玛丽亚;(2)特征:IMP分为(a)“土堆+地板”和(b)“仅坑”类型。我们显示了在不同环境中,月球IMPs的特征范围与减弱阶段的岩浆泡沫形成和挤压情况一致。我们更新后的目录和分类提出了有关月球IMPs的性质和来源的几个悬而未决的问题。评估这些问题将提高我们对月球热和地质演化的认识。我们利用地质背景信息和特征为月球IMPs建立了两种分类方案:(1)地质背景:IMPs被分类为(a)小盾构火山顶峰坑底面和侧面,(b)线性/弯曲小溪内部和相邻外部, (c)典型的玛丽亚;(2)特征:IMP分为(a)“土堆+地板”和(b)“仅坑”类型。我们显示了在不同环境中,月球IMPs的特征范围与减弱阶段的岩浆泡沫形成和挤压情况一致。我们更新后的目录和分类提出了有关月球IMPs的性质和来源的几个悬而未决的问题。评估这些问题将提高我们对月球热和地质演化的认识。