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BFM: a forward backward string matching algorithm with improved shifting for information retrieval
International Journal of Information Technology Pub Date : 2019-10-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s41870-019-00371-1
MD. Obaidullah Al-Faruk , K. M. Akib Hussain , MD. Adnan Shahriar , Shakila Mahjabin Tonni

Mining data from text is often becomes a crucial part of data mining tasks. With the growing tendency of using cloud and sharing more and more files over the internet, the necessity of applying a string matching algorithm in text mining has increased rapidly in present time. These algorithms need to make less character comparisons and pattern shifts while searching. In this paper, we’re proposing a new algorithm named Back and Forth Matching (BFM) algorithm that works faster by matching a pattern from both the forward and backward direction. It shows a tremendous improvement, in comparison to other algorithms, while matching strings in large text files.


