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Application of remote-sensing techniques in geological and structural mapping of Atalla Shear Zone and Environs, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
Arabian Journal of Geosciences Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12517-020-05324-8
Zakaria Hamimi , Wael Hagag , Samir Kamh , Asmaa El-Araby

The Atalla Shear Zone (ASZ) is one of the crucial megashears which are geometrically and kinematically akin to the Najd-Shear Corridor in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. The Landsat-8 and ASTER-based mapping techniques integrated with extensive petrographic and structural-field investigations enhanced the geological and structural maps of the study area. The Neoproterozoic basement complex in the study area discriminated into ditinctive rock suites: Meatiq Group, ophiolitic melange, arc assemblage, syn- to late-tectonic granitoids, Dokhan Volcanics, Hammamat Sediments, post-Hammamat Felsites and post-tectonic granitoids. The true color composites (TCC) (4 3 2 for Landsat-8; 3 2 1 for ASTER), false color composites (FCC) (1 6 4, 1 6 7 and 7 5 1 for Landsat-8; 5 4 3 and 9 6 4 for ASTER), principal component analysis (PCA) (1 2 3, 3 2 1 and 6 4 2 for Landsat-8; 1 2 3 and 5 4 2 for ASTER), minimum noise fraction (MNF) (1 2 3 and 3 5 1 for Landsat-8; 1 2 4 and 3 2 1 for ASTER) and band ratios (BR) (6/2, 6/7, 6/5*4/3 and 7/6, 7/5, 5/3 for Landsat-8; 2/6, 7/5, 7/6 and 4/7, 3/4, 2/1 for ASTER besides the new created ratio 2/6, 7/5, 7/6) are the best combinations that demonstrate efficiency in discrimination of lithologic contacts and structural elements, using the spectral signature of different rock units. Moreover, the BR b7/b5, b5/b7 and b6/b4 of grey scale for Landsat-8 are used as a tool for mineral detection along with the spectral indices created to detect muscovite (b7/b6), ferrous silicates b5/b4 (biotite, chlorite and amphiboles) and ferrous iron b5/b3 (mafic minerals). The automatic lineament extraction utilizing the SRTM data advocated the role of NE- to NNE-trending lineaments in the tectonic framework of the study area. The structural fabric of the study area is evaluated in three main structural domains: Meatiq (MD), Atalla Shear Zone (ASZD) and Wadi Hammamat (WHD). The pronounced structural implication is the transposition of NE-oriented fabric in MD into NW-oriented penetrative shear-related fabric, fully in the ASZD and partly in WHD. The combination of transcurrent shearing with ENE-directed shortening along the ASZ that was resulted in noteworthy transpressive structures resemble in many respects those observed in the Ajjaj Shear Belt in Western Arabia. Among these structures are shear zone-related folds, imbricated thrust sheets, antiformal stacks and thrust duplexes. The deformation history of the investigated area proposed four phases of deformation (D1D4). It depicts a long lasted deformational event covering the main accretion-collision phases concurrent with the E-W assembly of Gondwana, and the subsequent post-collision Najd-related transpressional phase which resulted in several major left-lateral transcurrent shear zones along with the exhumation of gneissic core complexes in the Arabian-Nubian Shield.



Atalla剪切区(ASZ)是重要的巨型剪切之一,其几何和运动学上类似于埃及东部沙漠中部的Najd-Shear走廊。基于Landsat-8和ASTER的制图技术与广泛的岩石学和构造场调查相结合,增强了研究区域的地质和构造图。研究区的新元古代基底复合体被区分为独特的岩石组合:Meatiq群,蛇纹岩混杂岩,弧形组合,晚构造花岗岩类同生,Dokhan火山,哈马马特沉积物,哈马马特后长花岗岩和后构造花岗质。真彩色复合材料(TCC)(Landsat-8为4 3 2; ASTER为3 2 1),假彩色复合材料(FCC)(Landsat-8为1 6 4,1 6 7和7 5 1; 5 4 3和9 6 4(用于ASTER),主成分分析(PCA)(1 2 3,Landsat-8为3 2 1和6 4 2;ASTER为1 2 3和5 4 2),最小噪声分数(MNF)(对于Landsat-8为1 2 3和3 5 1;对于ASTER为1 2 4和3 2 1)和带宽比(BR)(6/2 ,Landsat-8的6 / 7、6 / 5 * 4/3和7 / 6、7 / 5、5 / 3; 2 / 6、7 / 5、7 / 6和4 / 7、3 / 4、2除新创建的比率2 / 6、7 / 5、7 / 6以外,ASTER的/ 1是最佳组合,它们利用不同岩石单元的光谱特征证明了对岩性接触和结构元素的辨别效率。此外,Landsat-8的灰度级BR b7 / b5,b5 / b7和b6 / b4用作矿物质检测的工具,以及用于检测白云母(b7 / b6),硅酸亚铁b5 / b4的光谱指数(黑云母,绿泥石和闪石)和亚铁b5 / b3(镁铁矿物质)。利用SRTM数据进行的自动界线提取提倡了NE向NNE趋势界线在研究区域的构造框架中的作用。研究区域的结构织物在三个主要结构领域进行评估:Meatiq(MD),Atalla剪切区(ASZD)和Wadi Hammamat(WHD)。明显的结构含义是,在MD中将NE定向织物转换为NW定向渗透性剪切相关织物,完全在ASZD中进行,部分在WHD中进行。沿ASZ的跨流剪切与ENE导向的缩短相结合,导致了值得注意的超压构造,在许多方面类似于在阿拉伯西部的阿贾杰剪切带中观察到的构造。在这些结构中,有剪切带相关的褶皱,成束的逆冲薄片,反形式叠层和逆冲双重构造。D 1D 4)。它描绘了一个长久的变形事件,涵盖了冈瓦纳的EW组装同时发生的主要增生-碰撞阶段,以及随后的与纳吉德相关的碰撞后压变阶段,这导致了几个主要的左侧横流剪切带以及片麻岩的发掘。阿拉伯-努比亚盾构的核心建筑群。