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Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3402_1.x



4 Editorial

4 International and Home News

7 From the President and IFST News

14 Food safety risk during the pandemic. Sterling Crew reviews the potential food safety challenges presented by SARS‐CoV‐2 and its impact on the food sector's management and control measures

18 Teamwork to tackle the food security crisis. Peter Jackson and Duncan Cameron describe the vision behind the university of Sheffield's new Institute for Sustainable Food and how its interdisciplinary approach is impacting the food system

22 Connecting industry and academia for innovation. Howell Davies and Suzy Powell describe how Interface works to connect business and academia, highlighting some examples of innovative food sector collaborations

26 More research less waste. Carol Wagstaff and Leon Terry introduce the new Horticulture Quality and Food Loss Network, which aims to stimulate research in the horticultural and post‐harvest sector to improve crop quality and to prevent food loss

29 Putting UK research within reach. Shivaun Meehan explains the benefits of using konfer to develop partnerships for innovation

31 Change through innovation. Jayne Brookman describes some of the activities of the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), which supports collaboration between businesses and academia

36 Championing innovation for a resilient food system. Laura Elphick outlines the goals and aspirations of EIT Food and explains how it is working to increase collaboration and innovation in the food sector

40 A vision of the food system – 2045 CE. Tom Æ Hollands, Wayne Martindale and Mark Swainson look ahead at the challenges that will face the food system in 2045 and the advances that will be necessary to ensure sufficient resilience

44 Food out of thin air. Dilek Ercili‐Cura, Anna Häkämies, Laura Sinisalo, Pasi Vainikka and Juha‐ Pekka Pitkänen introduce a new bacterial source of protein that requires only CO2 from air, water and minerals as raw materials and uses renewable electricity

49 Canada's Cinderella crop. Michael Eskin charts the rise of canola oil in Canada from rapeseed as a healthy edible oil for human consumption

52 Inside knowledge. India Langley outlines the different approaches to controlled environment agriculture and explains how the company's no pressure aeroponic growing system has overcome many of the problems associated with more traditional aeroponic systems

56 Smoothing the way for new food businesses. Richard Bradford‐Knox, Simon Neighbour and Kevin Kane explain Preston City Council's approach to managing risk and achieving compliance through cooperation and collaboration with new food businesses

63 Careers and training in the food and drink sector








14大流行期间的食品安全风险。Sterling Crew回顾了SARS-CoV-2提出的潜在食品安全挑战及其对食品行业管理和控制措施的影响

18团队合作解决粮食安全危机。彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)和邓肯·卡梅隆(Duncan Cameron)描述了谢菲尔德大学新的可持续食品研究所背后的愿景,以及其跨学科方法如何影响食品体系

22将行业和学术界联系起来进行创新。豪威尔·戴维斯(Howell Davies)和苏西·鲍威尔(Suzy Powell)介绍了Interface如何将企业与学术界联系起来,并重点介绍了创新食品领域合作的一些例子

26研究更多,浪费更少。卡罗尔·瓦格斯塔夫(Carol Wagstaff)和莱昂·特里(Leon Terry)推出了新的园艺质量和粮食损失网络,旨在促进园艺和收获后领域的研究,以改善作物质量并防止粮食损失

29使英国的研究触手可及。Shivaun Meehan解释了使用konfer建立创新合作伙伴关系的好处

31通过创新来改变。杰恩·布鲁克曼(Jayne Brookman)描述了知识转移网络(KTN)的一些活动,该网络支持企业与学术界之间的合作

36倡导创新,建立有韧性的食品系统。劳拉·艾尔菲克(Laura Elphick)概述了EIT Food的目标和抱负,并解释了其如何在食品领域加强合作与创新

40粮食系统愿景–公元2045年。汤姆·荷兰斯(Tom dale Hollands),韦恩·马丁代尔(Wayne Martindale)和马克·斯文森(Mark Swainson)展望了2045年食品系统将面临的挑战以及确保足够的复原力所必需的进步

44凭空食用。Dilek Ercili‐Cura,AnnaHäkämies,Laura Sinisalo,Pasi Vainikka和Juha‐PekkaPitkänen引入了一种新的细菌蛋白质来源,该蛋白质仅需要空气,水和矿物质中的CO 2为原料,并使用可再生电力

49加拿大的灰姑娘作物。迈克尔·埃斯金(Michael Eskin)绘制了加拿大菜籽油作为人食用的健康食用油从菜籽油中的崛起


56为新食品企业铺平道路。理查德·布拉德福德·诺克斯(Richard Bradford-Knox),西蒙·尼伯(Simon Neighbor)和凯文·凯恩(Kevin Kane)解释了普雷斯顿市议会通过与新食品企业的合作与协作来管理风险和实现合规性的方法

