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Editorial and News
Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3402_2.x
Melanie Brown

Our June theme, innovation and collaboration, could not be more appropriate for the current COVID‐19 pandemic, the food safety implications of which are discussed on p14. We have seen universities, industry, government and the public collaborating on an unprecedented scale to test new drugs and digital technologies and to develop potential vaccines. Only innovative science and international collaboration will help us to move out of this crisis.

Tackling the problems of future food security, climate change and food and packaging waste also requires collaboration across the disciplines and between industry and academia. As we go forward, lessons learned and experience gained during the current crisis may produce changes in behaviour and new technologies that can be harnessed to help address some of these food system challenges.

A number of organisations and networks, some new and some well‐established, are providing a myriad of opportunities to make connections between companies, universities and institutes to build collaborations that can address the key problems facing the food system (p18, p22, p26, p29, p31, p36). Some organisations are also specifically encouraging the participation and engagement of consumers to provide input into collaborative projects (p18, p22, p36).

A variety of funding sources are available to support innovative, collaborative research from pump priming exercises through to larger scale feasibility trials (p26, p31, p36). Networking events and conferences encourage the formation of partnerships for collaboration (p18, p31, p36). The education and career development of young scientists is a focus in some programmes (p26, p36).

There is widespread recognition that scientists need to step outside the laboratory and understand the problems faced by industry. Cross disciplinary projects are bringing new fields of expertise, for example mathematics, to bear on food system issues (p31). Tackling these problems requires a holistic approach, which addresses the complex nature of the food system (p18).

Urban farming is an area where considerable advances have been made to optimise use of resources (p18, p52). The new Horticultural Quality and Food Loss Network will be addressing food waste and innovation specifically in this sector (p26). Reducing food loss and waste is a key theme for many collaborative programmes, together with alternative proteins and foods with enhanced nutritional value (p18, p26, p31).

This is an exciting time to be embarking on a career in food science as innovation has never been higher on the agenda for the food sector.

I would like to extend my thanks to Professor Tim Benton, who is stepping down from the FST Advisory Board, for all his help and support over the last few years.

email mb@biophase.co.uk

Letters to the editor about any of the articles published in Food Science and Technology are welcomed .

Research tackles challenges in the food system

The University of Reading is working across 37 new research, communication, business creation and education projects in 2020 thanks to €4.7m (around £4m) of funding from EIT Food, a European initiative to revolutionise the food system[ 1] (see p31).


The funding will help the University to benefit consumers, farmers and those working in the food industry by supporting collaboration with other universities, research institutes and businesses across Europe to address challenges in the food system including environmental matters.

Research being carried out by the University of Reading and partners across Europe includes innovative work, such as SeaCH4NGE, which is aiming to harness seaweed as feed supplements to reduce methane production by cattle.

Other projects include the validation of organic milk by developing methods to distinguish organic from conventional milk, enhancing consumer trust of the dairy supply chain and the integration of different data sources to help famers make informed decisions about their crop management practices.

Consumers will benefit from online courses and projects including how to demystify regulations of food labelling and why the gut microbiome could provide numerous benefits for human health as well as helping people understand the ‘truth behind the headlines’ of nutrition and health news stories.

In addition, a range of projects will help the food industry to better communicate its essential work to the public, including looking at public attitudes towards animal protein products, which will incorporate plant‐based ingredients to improve the nutrient profile, and a computer game to help farmers gain skills in precision farming in order to reduce pesticide and herbicide waste.

Feeding the future

A team of Italian scientists from Politecnico di Milano, the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Amsterdam have published a study on the global geography of agricultural water scarcity[ 2] . The study finds that there is enough locally available water to expand irrigation over 140 million hectares of agricultural lands, currently not irrigated due to lack of economic and institutional capacity. The study shows that 800 million more people could be fed by sustainably expanding irrigation over economic water scarce croplands.


Using data intensive global hydrological models, the researchers were able to quantify the water currently provided to crops, the type of water scarcity affecting the croplands and the regions of the world where additional water is available to expand irrigation sustainably.

The study highlights the agricultural regions where investments in the water sector are needed to sustainably increase food production. Two thirds of lands suitable for irrigation expansion are located in Sub‐Saharan Africa, East Europe and Central Asia.

In addition to increasing the production of food, the researchers believe that expansion of irrigation on lands where there is economic water scarcity could at the same time be an important strategy for adaptation to climate change, contributing to more reliable and resilient agricultural production.

Fundamental reforms for plastic packaging

The European Academies of Science (EASAC) is warning that current efforts to resolve the plastics crisis are ineffective and misleading. Policymakers and industry must address conflicts in the whole system, from production to end‐of‐life. EASAC's latest report Packaging Plastics in a Circular Economy [ 3] shows that fundamental and systemic reforms are required along the whole value chain in order to slow and reverse damage to the environment, biodiversity and ultimately risks to human health.


Since the 1960s, global plastic production has increased from 1.5m to almost 400m tons per year. Macro and microplastics are widespread on land, in the seas and are even found in the air. For many species, plastics are deadly, through entanglement and ingestion, while microplastics are transmitted throughout the food chain.

This is the first time ever that scientists from the National Academies of Science of 28 European countries have joined efforts in taking an in‐depth look at the whole plastics value chain. Based on their findings, EASAC's scientists have issued the following seven recommendations to EU policymakers on how to transform the system:

  1. Ban exports of plastic waste

Today, the majority of the EU's plastic waste is not recycled in Europe. Huge amounts of contaminated and hard‐to‐recycle plastic is being shipped out of Europe, often ending up in illegal factories and/or being leaked into the local environment and ultimately the oceans. Processing plastic waste in Europe is better from both an environmental and ethical point of view.

  1. Adopt a target of zero plastic waste to landfill, minimise consumption and one‐way use

EASAC urges the European Commission to make the adoption of a target of zero plastic waste to landfill a priority, consistent with the development of a circular economy for plastics in the EU.

  1. Extend producer responsibility

EASAC also requests policymakers to make sure the polluter‐pays principle applies to plastics manufacturers and retailers.

  1. End misleading information about bio‐based alternatives

At present, the scientists see a very limited potential for biodegradable plastic. The report concludes that the ideal target of a plastic which breaks down naturally in the environment remains elusive since most applications of plastics require durability. There are only a limited number of products which can meet biodegradation tests in the marine environment and even these still retain their integrity for months, during which time the risks of entanglement and ingestion remain.

  1. Advanced recycling and reprocessing technology

Effective recycling for much of the waste stream is exceptionally difficult and a range of options need to be developed to extract value from current low or negative value mixed plastic waste. It is essential to develop integrated recycling systems which can deal with all plastics waste.

  1. Limiting additives and types of resin to improve recyclability

The report finds that the technical and economic viability of recycling would be greatly assisted by reducing the use of sometimes even toxic additives and simplifying the number of polymers that can be used for specific applications, for example in large volume applications, to the easily recyclable polymers like PET and PE.

  1. Price regulations and quota for recycled content

Virgin plastic feedstock is too cheap. The cost of plastics does not include the costs on environment and society from the original oil or gas through to littering on land or the ocean. Not including environmental costs is a market failure and a fundamental barrier to a greater demand for recycled materials.

According to the report, these recommendations underpin measures currently under discussion in some Members States and at European level to either introduce a plastics tax or require minimum recycled contents.

Taste is connected to ethnicity and gender

The results of a new study published in Food Quality and Preference show that people of Asian ethnicity are not only more likely to be ‘supertasters’, but they are also more likely to be thermal tasters and low sweet likers. The study also found that men are more likely to be high sweet likers, who prefer sweeter foods[ 4] .

The research carried out at the University of Nottingham's Sensory Science Centre is the first to explore the association between ethnicity (Caucasian vs Asian) and different observed variations in taste perception, known as taste phenotypes.

The Sensory Science Centre has carried out extensive research looking into the impact of taste phenotypes on perceived taste intensity, including PROP taster status, Thermal Taster Status and Sweet Liking Status.

A supertaster is someone who has the ability to perceive a bitter taste from a compound called ‘6‐n‐propylthiouracil’ (known as PROP), which is linked to our genetic profile. A thermal taster is someone who can perceive a taste sensation when their tongue is heated or cooled, when no taste stimulus is actually present. A high sweet liker is someone who prefers super sweet foods.

The human tongue is wrapped in taste buds (papillae). The small, mushroom‐shaped bumps are fungiform papillae located on the anterior tip of tongue; they contain taste receptors that bind to the molecules from food so your brain can identify what you are eating.

Taste perception occurs when certain compounds released from food dissolve in saliva and interact with taste receptor cells within taste buds. Most mammals are able to detect five different types of taste: sweet, bitter, sour, salty and umami, whilst some other sensations have also been identified as potential tastes including fatty acid, metallic, kokumi and calcium.

For this study, 223 volunteers were invited to determine their taste phenotypes, as well as their ethnicity and gender, and understand how these factors played a part in their experience of taste. Their perceived taste intensity was measured by asking participants to indicate how intense are the taste solutions.

Asian participants were found to be more sensitive to sour and metallic taste than Caucasian participants. This is an interesting finding, as it indicates that how consumers perceive taste intensity from food and beverages can be different across different ethnic groups.

Perceived intensity of taste and other oral sensations have been shown to vary greatly among individuals and may be one of the most important determinants of food preference and consumption affecting nutritional and health status. The findings from the study could help inform new product development to appeal directly to people's taste buds, according to project leader, Qian Yang.

Growing lettuces in space

A study carried out by NASA on the International Space Station (ISS) has demonstrated that leafy vegetable crops grown in space can produce safe, edible, fresh food to supplement astronauts’ diets[ 5] .


The ability to grow safe, fresh food to supplement packaged foods for astronauts has been an important goal for NASA, since food crops grown in space experience different environmental conditions to those grown on Earth (e.g. reduced gravity, elevated radiation levels), which could impact safety and nutritious value.

To study the effects of space conditions, red romaine lettuce, Lactuca sativa cv ‘Outredgeous’ plants were grown in Veggie Plant Growth Chambers on the ISS and compared with ground‐grown plants. Multiple plantings were grown on the ISS and harvested using either a single, final harvest, or sequential harvests in which several mature leaves were removed from the plants at weekly intervals. Ground controls were grown simultaneously with a 24‐72h delay using ISS environmental data.

Comparison of flight and ground tissues showed some differences in total counts for bacteria and yeast/moulds, while screening for selected human pathogens gave negative results. Chemical analysis provided evidence of significant changes in elemental and antioxidant content, which may be an important factor to consider for nutritional value in future, long duration, exploration missions. The study also provided baseline data for continual operation of the Veggie Plant Growth units on the ISS.





许多组织和网络,包括一些新的和建立良好的组织,为公司,大学和研究所之间建立联系提供了无数的机会,以建立可以解决食品系统面临的关键问题的协作(p18,p22,p26, p29,p31,p36)。一些组织还特别鼓励消费者的参与和参与,以为合作项目提供投入(p18,p22,p36)。





我要感谢即将离开FST顾问委员会的Tim Benton教授,感谢他在过去几年中的所有帮助和支持。

电子邮件 mb@biophase.co.uk



雷丁大学正在2020年开展37个新的研究,交流,业务创造和教育项目,这要归功于EIT Food的470万欧元(约合400万英镑)资金,这是欧洲一项旨在改革食品体系的举措[ 1 ](p31 )。








来自米兰理工大学,加利福尼亚大学,伯克利分校和阿姆斯特丹大学的意大利科学家团队发表了有关全球农业缺水地理的研究报告[ 2 ]。研究发现,当地有足够的水来灌溉超过1.4亿公顷的农田,由于缺乏经济和体制能力,目前尚未进行灌溉。该研究表明,通过在经济缺水的农田上持续扩大灌溉,可以使另外8亿人受够。






欧洲科学院(EASAC)警告说,当前解决塑料危机的努力是无效的并且具有误导性。决策者和行业必须解决从生产到报废的整个系统中的冲突。EASAC的最新报告《循环经济中的包装塑料》[ 3 ]显示,需要在整个价值链中进行根本性和系统性的改革,以减缓和逆转对环境,生物多样性以及最终对人类健康的危害。




  1. 禁止出口塑料废物


  1. 采取零塑料垃圾填埋的目标,最大程度地减少消耗和单次使用


  1. 扩大生产者责任


  1. 终止有关生物替代品的误导性信息


  1. 先进的回收和后处理技术


  1. 限制添加剂和树脂类型以提高可回收性


  1. 价格规定和回收内容配额




发表在《食品质量与偏好》上的一项新研究结果表明,亚洲种族的人们不仅更有可能成为“超级味觉者”,而且他们更有可能成为热食者和低甜者。该研究还发现,男人更容易成为喜欢甜食的人,他们更喜欢甜食[ 4 ]



超级品酒师能够从称为“ 6-正丙基硫氧嘧啶”的化合物(称为PROP)中感知到苦味,这与我们的遗传特征有关。热食者是指当舌头被加热或冷却时,实际上没有味觉刺激时,会感觉到味觉的人。最喜欢的人是喜欢超级甜食的人。







NASA在国际空间站(ISS)上进行的一项研究表明,太空中种植的多叶蔬菜作物可以生产安全,可食用的新鲜食物,以补充宇航员的饮食[ 5 ]



为了研究空间条件的影响,在国际空间站的素食植物生长室中种植了红色长叶莴苣,莴苣(Lactuca sativa cv) “杰出”植物,并将其与陆生植物进行了比较。在ISS上种植多种植物,并使用单次收获,最终收获或连续收获的方式进行收获,在这种收获方式中,每隔一周从植物上摘除几片成熟叶片。利用ISS环境数据,地面对照可以同时生长24-72小时。

