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New Lobellini (Collembola: Neanuridae) from Queensland contribute to understanding distribution and ecology of Australian fauna
Austral Entomology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1111/aen.12460
Adrian Smolis 1 , Penelope Greenslade 2, 3

Two new species from Queensland rainforest belonging to genera Hemilobella and Sphaeronura are described and illustrated with drawings and colour photographs. Hemilobella matildae sp. nov. Smolis and Greenslade is characterised by elongated tubercles laterally on body and an elongated ogival labrum. Sphaeronura ameliae sp. nov. Smolis and Greenslade differs from other taxa in the genus in chaetotaxic features and the presence of a male ventral organ. A new record of Australonura scoparia is included. The high species richness of lowland rainforests, in which these log inhabiting saproxylic species were found, is noted, and the contribution that extreme events such as cyclones in maintaining the fallen timber habitat is emphasised. The bright colour of these species may be caused by sequestered pigments from the slime moulds on which they feed. The colour probably also acts as a warning to predators that individuals are distasteful. A description of the distributions, characteristics, distinctiveness and possible genesis of Australian fauna of the subfamily Neanurinae is presented, and a checklist of species and key to all Australian genera of the subfamily is included. Species in this subfamily are predominately short‐range endemics so should be surveyed whenever wet forests are under threat from logging or urban expansion.



描述和说明了昆士兰雨林的两个新物种,它们属于半球属和Sphaeronura属,并带有附图和彩色照片。马氏半球菌 十一月 Smolis和Greenslade的特征是在身体侧面有长形结节和细长的齿状唇。球藻sp。十一月 斯莫利斯(Smolis)和格林斯莱德(Greenslade)与其他类群不同的是,其壳类特征和雄性腹侧器官的存在。包括了澳洲古猿的新记录。注意到低地雨林的物种丰富度很高,其中发现了这些原木栖息的saproxylic物种,并强调了极端事件(例如旋风分离器)对维持倒塌的木材栖息地的贡献。这些物种的鲜艳颜色可能是由于它们赖以生存的粘液模具中的螯合色素引起的。颜色也可能向食肉动物发出警告,警告他们个人讨厌。介绍了对虾亚科的澳大利亚动物区系的分布,特征,独特性和可能的​​起源,并包括了该亚科所有澳大利亚属的物种和关键清单。该亚科中的物种主要是近距离地方特有种,因此,每当湿林受到伐木或城市扩张的威胁时,应进行调查。