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Serious Game for Teaching Undergraduate Medical Students in Cleft lip and Palate Treatment Protocol.
International Journal of Medical Informatics ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104166
Patison Palee 1 , Noppon Wongta 1 , Krit Khwanngern 2 , Waritsara Jitmun 1 , Noppon Choosri 3


To develop and evaluate a serious game to deliver knowledge about the cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) protocol used in Craniofacial Center, Chiang Mai University.


The game “Cleft Island” was developed then extensively evaluated using different criteria, including the measured knowledge gained by participants, and gameplay experience. A group of 53 fourth and fifth-year medical students (male: 24, female: 29) were recruited to take part in an experiment. They were from the Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, and had just rotated to the Department of Surgery.

Three evaluations were conducted: 1) to test whether the players had competently gained CL/P knowledge; 2) to evaluate the usability of the game according to the System Usability Scale (SUS); and 3) to evaluate the game experience in terms of a Game Experience Questionnaire (GEQ) test.


The results indicate a statistically significant improvement of medical students’ knowledge after performing the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test (p < 0.5) between pre-test and post-test scores of the same medical student group; the acceptable average SUS score (M = 55.28) of the serious game; a moderate degree of experience of the GEQ components including positive affect (M = 2.64), competence (M = 2.49), and immersion (M = 2.21).


Cleft Island can be used as an effective supplementary instructional material, which has the potential to provide significant knowledge of CL/P treatment protocol for the players. As far as the authors are aware, this is the first study to implement and assess a serious game for training in CL/P protocol.




开发和评估一款严肃的游戏,以传递有关清迈大学颅面中心使用或不使用c裂(CL / P)规程的唇裂知识。



进行了三个评估:1)测试玩家是否熟练掌握了CL / P知识;2)根据系统可用性量表(SUS)评估游戏的可用性;3)根据游戏体验问卷(GEQ)评估游戏体验。


结果表明,在同一医学生组的测试前和测试后分数之间进行Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks检验(p <0.5)后,医学生的知识有了统计学上的显着提高;严肃比赛可接受的平均SUS分数(M = 55.28);对GEQ组件有中等程度的经验,包括积极影响(M = 2.64),能力(M = 2.49)和沉浸感(M = 2.21)。


裂岛可以用作有效的辅助教学材料,它有可能为玩家提供大量的CL / P治疗方案知识。据作者所知,这是首次实施和评估针对CL / P协议的严肃游戏的研究。
