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Combinatorics of beacon-based routing in three dimensions
Computational Geometry ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.comgeo.2020.101667
Jonas Cleve , Wolfgang Mulzer

A beacon bRd is a point-shaped object in d-dimensional space that can exert a magnetic pull on any other point-shaped object pRd. This object p then moves greedily towards b. The motion stops when p gets stuck at an obstacle or when p reaches b. By placing beacons inside a d-dimensional polyhedron P, we can implement a scheme to route point-shaped objects between any two locations in P. We can also place beacons to guard P, which means that any point-shaped object in P can reach at least one activated beacon.

The notion of beacon-based routing and guarding was introduced in 2011 by Biro et al. [FWCG'11]. The two-dimensional setting is discussed in great detail in Biro's 2013 PhD thesis [SUNY-SB'13].

Here, we consider combinatorial aspects of beacon routing in three dimensions. We show that (m+1)/3 beacons are always sufficient and sometimes necessary to route between any two points in a given polyhedron P, where m is the smallest size of a tetrahedral decomposition of P. This is one of the first results to show that beacon routing is also possible in higher dimensions.



信标 b[Rdd维空间中的点形对象,可以对任何其他点形对象施加磁拉p[Rd。然后,该对象p贪婪地向b移动。当p卡在障碍物上或p到达b时,运动停止。通过将信标放置在d维多面体P中,我们可以实现一种在P中任意两个位置之间路由点形对象的方案。我们还可以将信标来保护P,这意味着在任何点状对象P可达到至少一个激活的信标。


