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Assessment of Microplastic Pollution in a Crater Lake at High Altitude: a Case Study in an Urban Crater Lake in Erzurum, Turkey
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11270-020-04653-4
Emre Çomaklı , Mehmet Semih Bingöl , Adnan Bilgili

Microplastics are materials which remain without decay in nature for many years. Thus, they have an essential role in environmental pollution. Microplastics (MPs) can be moved long distances by wind and rain because they can be degraded into small pieces due to oxidation and deterioration of the polymer forms when exposed to ultraviolet radiation like sunlight. Moreover, MPs affect human health badly via the food chain. The study was carried out in a crater lake at 2380 m altitude in Erzurum, Turkey. Samples from the lake were analyzed using micro-Raman and SEM devices. In a great number of samples analyzed with micro-Raman, MP materials were identified which are much smaller than encountered in the literature. It was concluded that the identified MPs are polyethylenes and polypropylenes by comparing with Raman spectra in the literature. Further, it was assumed that the pieces with different shapes and 8–15 μm sizes are MPs decayed due to ultraviolet radiation when SEM images of the samples were examined.



微塑料是在自然界中保持多年不变的材料。因此,它们在环境污染中起着至关重要的作用。微塑料(MPs)可以被风吹雨打很长距离,因为它们会由于氧化而降解成小块,而当暴露于紫外线等阳光下时,聚合物形式会变质。此外,国会议员通过食物链严重影响人类健康。这项研究是在土耳其埃尔祖鲁姆(Erzurum)海拔2380 m的火山口湖中进行的。使用微拉曼和SEM设备分析了湖中的样品。在大量用微拉曼分析的样品中,鉴定出的MP材料比文献中所见小得多。通过与文献中的拉曼光谱比较,可以得出结论,鉴定出的MP为聚乙烯和聚丙烯。进一步,