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Sympathetic involvement in time-constrained sequential foraging.
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.3758/s13415-020-00799-0
Neil M Dundon 1, 2 , Neil Garrett 3, 4 , Viktoriya Babenko 1 , Matt Cieslak 5 , Nathaniel D Daw 3 , Scott T Grafton 1

Appraising sequential offers relative to an unknown future opportunity and a time cost requires an optimization policy that draws on a learned estimate of an environment’s richness. Converging evidence points to a learning asymmetry, whereby estimates of this richness update with a bias toward integrating positive information. We replicate this bias in a sequential foraging (prey selection) task and probe associated activation within the sympathetic branch of the autonomic system, using trial-by-trial measures of simultaneously recorded cardiac autonomic physiology. We reveal a unique adaptive role for the sympathetic branch in learning. It was specifically associated with adaptation to a deteriorating environment: it correlated with both the rate of negative information integration in belief estimates and downward changes in moment-to-moment environmental richness, and was predictive of optimal performance on the task. The findings are consistent with a framework whereby autonomic function supports the learning demands of prey selection.



