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Developing and validation of a questionnaire for assessment of individual's perceived risk of four major non-communicable diseases in Myanmar
bioRxiv - Scientific Communication and Education Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.26.116202
Kyaw Swa Mya , Ko Ko Zaw , Khay Mar Mya

The adopting healthy life styles are greatly influenced by individual's perceived risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This study aimed to develop and validate a questionnaire that can assess the individual's perceived risk of developing four major NCDs. Exploratory sequential mixed methods design was used. Qualitative part developed the question items pool by conducting two expert panels while quantitative part validated the questionnaire using both exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Separate samples were used for EFA (n=150) and CFA (n=210). The participants were aged between 25-60 years of both sexes with no known history of NCDs. Face to face interview was conducted. Parallel analysis was done to decide the number of factors to be extracted. EFA was done using maximum likelihood method with Promax rotation to extract the underlying factors of perceived risk while CFA was done to assess the goodness of fit of proposed EFA Model using model fit indices. Based on literature search, 86-item questionnaire was firstly generated. During two expert panels, some overlapped items and items that did not represent the specific construct were removed. Experts made sure the content validity of developed 51-item questionnaire which was used to collect data from 360 participants. EFA revealed the five factors model with 22 high loading items which extracted 54% of total variance. CFA proved that hypothesized five factors model of 21-item questionnaire (one item was removed due to low loading) was satisfied with adequate psychometric properties and model fit indices (RMSEA=0.056, CFI=0.921, TLI=0.908, SRMR=0.063 & χ2/df=1.66). Developed 21-item questionnaire was shown to be valid and reliable to assess the perceived risk of developing NCDs among Myanmar population. Further research should be conducted to assess on the utility of the questionnaire in mismatch between risk perception and current risk and individualized counseling for behaviour change communication.



健康的生活方式在很大程度上受到个人发展为非传染性疾病(NCDs)的感知风险的影响。这项研究的目的是开发和验证可以评估个人患四种主要非传染性疾病风险的问卷。采用探索性顺序混合方法设计。定性部分通过组织两个专家小组来开发问题库,定量部分使用探索性(EFA)和确认性因子分析(CFA)来验证问卷。EFA(n = 150)和CFA(n = 210)使用了单独的样本。参与者的年龄介于25至60岁之间,没有已知的非传染性疾病史。进行了面对面的采访。进行了并行分析,以确定要提取的因素数量。使用最大似然法和Promax旋转法进行EFA提取感知风险的潜在因素,而使用模型拟合指数进行CFA评估拟议EFA模型的拟合优度。在文献检索的基础上,首次生成了86项问卷。在两个专家小组会议期间,删除了一些重叠的项目和不代表特定构造的项目。专家们确保了所开发的51项问卷的内容有效性,该问卷用于收集360名参与者的数据。EFA揭示了具有22个高负荷项目的五因素模型,该模型提取了总方差的54%。CFA证明,假设的21项问卷的五因素模型(一项由于低负荷而被删除)具有足够的心理计量学特征和模型拟合指数(RMSEA = 0.056,CFI = 0.921,TLI = 0.908,SRMR = 0.063和χ2/ df = 1.66)。事实证明,开发的21项问卷对于评估缅甸人群中发展非传染性疾病的感知风险是有效和可靠的。应该进行进一步的研究,以评估问卷在风险感知和当前风险不匹配方面的效用,以及针对行为改变交流的个性化咨询。