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Active Control Parameters Monitoring for Freight Trains, Using Wireless Sensor Network Platform and Internet of Things
Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.3390/pr8060639
Adrian Brezulianu , Cristian Aghion , Marius Hagan , Oana Geman , Iuliana Chiuchisan , Alexandra-Ligia Balan , Doru-Gabriel Balan , Valentina Emilia Balas

Operating in a dynamic and competitive global market, railway companies have realized many years ago that better management of their logistical operations will enhance their strategic positions on the market. The financial component of daily operations is of utmost importance these days and many companies concluded that maximizing the profit relies on the integration of logistical activities with better income management. This paper presents a system consisting of three components: Ferodata BOX, Ferodata MOBILE, and Ferodata SYS, used to transmit to a web-server the status and operating information of an electric or diesel train. Train information includes data from locomotives, wagons, train driver, route, direction, fuel or electric consumption, speed, etc. All this information is processed in real-time and can be viewed in the web-server application. Additionally, the web-server application could manage and report details that are coming from the wagons, such as valuable information regarding the bogie wear, the identification of the wagons attached to a gasket, and identification the situations in which a wagon or group of wagons comes off the gasket configuration. All information about the status of trains is available on-line and at any moment the person responsible for management can use these data in their work.



铁路公司在充满活力和竞争的全球市场中运作,许多年前,他们意识到更好地管理物流业务将增强其在市场上的战略地位。如今,日常运营的财务部分至关重要,许多公司得出结论,要使利润最大化,就需要将物流活动与更好的收入管理相结合。本文介绍了一个由三部分组成的系统:Ferodata BOX,Ferodata MOBILE和Ferodata SYS,用于将Web火车或电动火车的状态和运行信息传输到Web服务器。火车信息包括机车,货车,火车驾驶员,路线,方向,燃料或电力消耗,速度等数据。所有这些信息都是实时处理的,可以在Web服务器应用程序中查看。此外,Web服务器应用程序可以管理和报告来自货车的详细信息,例如有关转向架磨损的有价值的信息,识别附在垫圈上的货车的信息以及识别货车或货车组的情况。脱离垫圈配置。有关火车状态的所有信息都可以在线获得,负责管理的人员可以随时在工作中使用这些数据。并确定货车或货车组脱离垫圈配置的情况。有关火车状态的所有信息都可以在线获得,负责管理的人员可以随时在工作中使用这些数据。并确定货车或货车组脱离垫圈配置的情况。有关火车状态的所有信息都可以在线获得,并且负责管理的人员可以随时在工作中使用这些数据。