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Molecular Ecology ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1111/mec.15381

The article entitled “Variable hybridization outcomes in trout are predicted by historical fish stocking and environmental context” published in Molecular Ecology (Volume 28, Issue 16, pages 3738‐3755). In the original publication of this article, the Acknowledgements section contained some errors. The corrected Acknowledgement statement is as follows:


We would like to thank the many people who made this work possible. Mark Smith from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department facilitated this work and administered funding. Mike Mazur from the US Fish and Wildlife Service provided reference Yellowstone cutthroat samples from a remote and isolated population outside the study area and provided funding for analysis of those individuals. Shawn Anderson (US Forest Service) assisted in acquiring both samples and funding for this work. We thank Sam Hochhalter, Joe Skorupski, Jessica Dugan, Riley Gallagher, Jake Scoville, Andrew Annear, and Shawn Anderson for field assistance. Personnel at the Story, Auburn, and Tensleep fish hatcheries in Wyoming provided tissue samples from reference individuals. This work was funded by grants from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (#002433), the US Forest Service (Agreement 17‐CS‐11021400‐012), and an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Grant #2P20GM103432, as well as start‐up funding from the University of Wyoming to CEW. CEW was partially supported by NSF Grant DEB‐1556963. Computing was accomplished with an allocation from the University of Wyoming’s Advanced Research Computing Center, on its Mount Moran IBM SystemXcluster (http://n2t.net/ark:/85786/m4159c). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The manuscript was improved by comments from Mark Smith, Shawn Anderson, Josh Harrison, members of the Wagner lab at University of Wyoming, associate editor Paul Hohenlohe, and three anonymous reviewers.



    发表在《分子生态学》(第28卷,第16期,第3738-3755页)上的文章“鳟鱼的可变杂交结果是由历史鱼类种群和环境背景预测的” 。在本文的原始出版物中,“致谢”部分包含一些错误。更正后的确认声明如下:


    我们要感谢使这项工作成为可能的许多人。怀俄明州游戏与鱼类部的马克·史密斯(Mark Smith)促进了这项工作并管理了资金。美国鱼类和野生动物服务局的Mike Mazur提供了研究区以外偏远偏远人群的黄石残酷杀伤剂参考样品,并为分析这些人提供了资金。肖恩·安德森(Shawn Anderson)(美国森林服务)协助获得了样本和这项工作的资金。我们感谢Sam Hochhalter,Joe Skorupski,Jessica Dugan,Riley Gallagher,Jake Scoville,Andrew Annear和Shawn Anderson的现场帮助。怀俄明州Story,Auburn和Tensleep鱼孵化场的工作人员提供了参考个体的组织样本。这项工作是由怀俄明州游戏与鱼类部(#002433)资助的,美国森林服务局(协议17‐CS‐11021400‐012),以及美国国立卫生研究院国立普通医学科学研究所颁发的机构发展奖(IDeA),授予号为2P20GM103432,并获得了启动资金怀俄明大学升至CEW。CEW得到了NSF Grant DEB‐1556963的部分支持。怀俄明大学高级研究计算中心在其Mount Moran IBM SystemXcluster(http://n2t.net/ark:/85786/m4159c)上分配了一项计算,从而完成了计算。贸易,公司或产品名称的任何使用仅出于描述目的,并不意味着美国政府的认可。怀俄明大学瓦格纳实验室成员Mark Smith,Shawn Anderson,Josh Harrison的评论,副编辑Paul Hohenlohe对此评论进行了改进
