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Compositional model checking with divergence preserving branching bisimilarity is lively
Science of Computer Programming ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2020.102493
Sander de Putter , Frédéric Lang , Anton Wijs

Compositional model checking approaches attempt to limit state space explosion by iteratively combining the behaviour of the components in a concurrent system and reducing the result modulo an appropriate equivalence relation. In this article, we consider Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs), in which transitions are labelled by actions, to describe component behaviour, and LTS networks to combine the behaviour of all components in a system.

For an equivalence relation to be useful for the compositional model checking of LTS networks, it should be a congruence for the parallel composition operator that is used to combine component behaviour. Such an operator may define synchronisations between the actions of component transitions.

An equivalence relation preserving both safety and liveness properties is divergence-preserving branching bisimilarity (DPBB). It has long been generally assumed that DPBB is a congruence for parallel composition. Fokkink, Van Glabbeek and Luttik recently proposed a congruence format that implies that this is the case. In parallel, we were the first to prove, by means of the Coq proof assistant, that DPBB is a congruence for the parallel composition of two LTS networks with synchronisation on transition labels. In the current article, we also consider an instance of our parallel composition operator that is both associative and commutative, which are two essential properties for the compositional construction of state spaces.

Furthermore, we show that DPBB is a congruence for LTS networks in which many LTSs are composed in parallel at once with support for multi-party synchronisation. Additionally, we discuss how to safely decompose an existing LTS network into components such that their recomposition is equivalent to the original LTS network.

Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of compositional model checking with intermediate DPBB reductions, we discuss the results we obtained after having conducted a number of experiments.





既保持安全性又保持活力的等价关系是保持分歧的分支双相似性(DPBB)。人们长期以来一直认为DPBB是平行合成的全等。Fokkink,Van Glabbeek和Luttik最近提出了一种全等格式,这表明情况确实如此。同时,我们是第一个通过Coq证明助手证明DPBB是两个LTS网络的并行组成的全等,并且在过渡标签上具有同步。在当前文章中,我们还将考虑并行组合运算符的一个实例,该实例既具有关联性又具有交换性,这是状态空间的组合构造的两个基本属性。


