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Generalized Turán problems for even cycles
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2020.05.005
Dániel Gerbner , Ervin Győri , Abhishek Methuku , Máté Vizer

Given a graph H and a set of graphs F, let ex(n,H,F) denote the maximum possible number of copies of H in an F-free graph on n vertices. We investigate the function ex(n,H,F), when H and members of F are cycles. Let Ck denote the cycle of length k and let Ck={C3,C4,,Ck}. We highlight the main results below.


We show that ex(n,C2l,C2k)=Θ(nl) for any l,k2. Moreover, in some cases we determine it asymptotically: We show that ex(n,C4,C2k)=(1+o(1))(k1)(k2)4n2 and that the maximum possible number of C6's in a C8-free bipartite graph is n3+O(n5/2).


Erdős's Girth Conjecture states that for any positive integer k, there exist a constant c>0 depending only on k, and a family of graphs {Gn} such that |V(Gn)|=n, |E(Gn)|cn1+1/k with girth more than 2k.

Solymosi and Wong [37] proved that if this conjecture holds, then for any l3 we have ex(n,C2l,C2l1)=Θ(n2l/(l1)). We prove that their result is sharp in the sense that forbidding any other even cycle decreases the number of C2l's significantly: For any k>l, we have ex(n,C2l,C2l1{C2k})=Θ(n2). More generally, we show that for any k>l and m2 such that 2kml, we have ex(n,Cml,C2l1{C2k})=Θ(nm).


We prove ex(n,C2l+1,C2l)=Θ(n2+1/l), provided a stronger version of Erdős's Girth Conjecture holds (which is known to be true when l=2,3,5). This result is also sharp in the sense that forbidding one more cycle decreases the number of C2l+1's significantly: More precisely, we have ex(n,C2l+1,C2l{C2k})=O(n21l+1), and ex(n,C2l+1,C2l{C2k+1})=O(n2) for l>k2.


We also study the maximum number of paths of given length in a Ck-free graph, and prove asymptotically sharp bounds in some cases.



给定一个图H和一组图F,让 ËXñHF表示一个HH的最大可能副本数Fn个顶点上的免费图形。我们调查功能ËXñHF,当H和的成员F是周期。让Cķ表示长度为k的周期,令Cķ={C3C4Cķ}。我们在下面突出显示主要结果。


我们证明 ËXñC2C2ķ=Θñ 对于任何 ķ2。此外,在某些情况下,我们渐近确定:ËXñC4C2ķ=1个+Ø1个ķ-1个ķ-24ñ2 并且最大可能数量 C6C8无二部图是 ñ3+Øñ5/2


Erdős的周长猜想指出,对于任何正整数k,存在一个常数C>0仅取决于k和一系列图{Gñ} 这样 |VGñ|=ñ|ËGñ|Cñ1个+1个/ķ周长超过2 k

Solymosi和Wong [37]证明,如果这个猜想成立,那么对于任何 3 我们有 ËXñC2C2-1个=Θñ2/-1个。我们证明,在禁止其他偶数周期会减少次数的意义上,它们的结果是很清晰的C2重要的是:对于任何 ķ>, 我们有 ËXñC2C2-1个{C2ķ}=Θñ2。更普遍地,我们表明对于任何ķ>2 这样 2ķ, 我们有 ËXñCC2-1个{C2ķ}=Θñ


我们证明 ËXñC2+1个C2=Θñ2+1个/,提供了Erdős的周长猜想更强的版本(这在以下情况下是正确的 =235)。在禁止再增加一个循环会减少循环次数的意义上,此结果也很明显。C2+1个重要的是:更确切地说,我们有 ËXñC2+1个C2{C2ķ}=Øñ2-1个+1个ËXñC2+1个C2{C2ķ+1个}=Øñ2 对于 >ķ2


我们还研究了给定长度的最大路径数 Cķ自由图,并在某些情况下证明渐近尖锐的边界。
