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Finding Good Compilation Plans: A Strategy to Enhance an Adaptive Optimization System
IEEE Latin America Transactions ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tla.2020.9099758
Adriano Ferrari Cardoso 1 , Caio Henrique Segawa Tonetti 1 , Anderson Faustino da Silva 1

An important component of virtual machines is the adaptive optimization system, which decides what methods to optimize and what compiler optimization set to enable. In this context, this paper presents the development of an auto-tuning adaptive optimization system (a strategy to find good compiler optimizations), in order to obtain the best possible performance; that is, the reduction of runtime. Such system was implemented over the Jikes Research Virtual Machine, and the results indicate that the proposal is capable of achieving 11% better average performance, at a cost of less than 10% of the total runtime.



虚拟机的一个重要组成部分是自适应优化系统,它决定优化哪些方法以及启用哪些编译器优化设置。在此背景下,本文介绍了自动调整自适应优化系统(一种寻找良好编译器优化的策略)的开发,以获得最佳性能;也就是说,运行时间的减少。该系统是在 Jikes Research 虚拟机上实现的,结果表明,该提案能够以不到总运行时间的 10% 的成本实现 11% 的平均性能提升。