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Comparison of spleen transcriptomes of two wild rodent species reveals differences in the immune response against Borrelia afzelii.
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6377
Xiuqin Zhong 1 , Max Lundberg 1 , Lars Råberg 1

Different host species often differ considerably in susceptibility to a given pathogen, but the causes of such differences are rarely known. The natural hosts of the tick‐transmitted bacterium Borrelia afzelii , which is one of causative agents of Lyme borreliosis in humans, include a variety of small mammals like voles and mice. Previous studies have shown that B. afzelii‐ infected bank voles (Myodes glareolus ) have about ten times higher bacterial load than infected yellow‐necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis ), indicating that these two species differ in resistance. In this study, we compared the immune response to B. afzelii infection in these host species by using RNA sequencing to quantify gene expression in spleen. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) showed that several immune pathways were down‐regulated in infected animals in both bank voles and yellow‐necked mice. Moreover, IFNα response was up‐regulated in B. afzelii‐infected yellow‐necked mice, while IL6 signaling and the complement pathway were down‐regulated in infected bank voles; differences in regulation of these three pathways between bank voles and yellow‐necked mice could thus contribute to the difference in resistance to B. afzelii between the species. This study provides knowledge of gene expression induced by a zoonotic pathogen in its natural host, and possible species‐specific regulation of immune responses associated with resistance.



不同的宿主物种对特定病原体的易感性通常有很大差异,但造成这种差异的原因却很少为人所知。蜱传播细菌阿氏疏螺旋体(Borrelia afzelii)是人类莱姆疏螺旋体病的病原体之一,其自然宿主包括多种小型哺乳动物,如田鼠和小鼠。先前的研究表明,被阿夫泽利伯克氏菌感染的银行田鼠( Myodes glareolus )的细菌载量比被感染的黄颈鼠( Apodemus flavicollis )高出约十倍,这表明这两个物种的抵抗力不同。在这项研究中,我们通过使用 RNA 测序来量化脾脏中的基因表达,比较了这些宿主物种对B. afzelii感染的免疫反应。基因集富集分析(GSEA)表明,在受感染的田鼠和黄颈小鼠中,多种免疫途径均下调。此外,在感染B. afzelii的黄颈小鼠中,IFNα 反应上调,而在受感染的田鼠中,IL6 信号传导和补体途径则下调。因此,银行田鼠和黄颈小鼠对这三种途径的调节差异可能导致物种间对阿夫泽利芽孢杆菌的抵抗力存在差异。这项研究提供了关于人畜共患病病原体在其自然宿主中诱导的基因表达的知识,以及与耐药性相关的免疫反应的可能的物种特异性调节。