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Random wave overtopping of vertical seawalls on coral reefs
Applied Ocean Research ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apor.2020.102166
Ye Liu , Shaowu Li , Songgui Chen , Chuanyue Hu , Zhufeng Fan , Ruijia Jin

Abstract Reliable estimations of overtopping rates are necessary for the design of vertical seawalls. Although many studies have been carried out to address this, few have paid attention to vertical seawalls built on coral reefs. In this study, a physical model was constructed with an idealized coral reef topography and vertical seawalls located on the middle or inner reef flat. A steep fore-reef slope in combination with a shallow and horizontal reef flat led to significant changes in wave heights, periods, spectra, and shapes across the reef. State-of-the-art overtopping formulas were tested against the experimental data, but none of them produced satisfying results. The reasons for the inapplicability of these formulas in this regard were discussed, which highlighted the necessity of distinguishing the significant influence of coral reefs on incident waves reaching engineered structures from structures fronted by relatively deep water and foreshores. A new formula for estimation of overtopping rates of vertical seawalls on coral reefs under non-impulsive conditions was derived. This formula is a function of the relative wave height at the seawall toe and the relative crest freeboard, whereas the spectral period is not incorporated. The performance of the new formula was investigated using various combinations of dimensional and dimensionless parameters.



摘要 垂直海堤的设计需要可靠地估计漫溢率。尽管已经进行了许多研究来解决这个问题,但很少有人关注建立在珊瑚礁上的垂直海堤。在这项研究中,使用理想化的珊瑚礁地形和位于中部或内礁滩的垂直海堤构建了一个物理模型。陡峭的前礁斜坡与浅水平的礁坪相结合,导致整个礁石的波高、周期、波谱和形状发生了显着变化。根据实验数据对最先进的超标配方进行了测试,但没有一个产生令人满意的结果。讨论了这些公式在这方面不适用的原因,这强调了区分珊瑚礁对到达工程结构的入射波的显着影响与相对深水和前滨的结构的必要性。推导出了一种新的非脉冲条件下珊瑚礁垂直海堤漫溢率的估算公式。该公式是海堤趾部的相对波高和相对波峰干舷的函数,而没有包含光谱周期。使用有量纲和无量纲参数的各种组合来研究新公式的性能。该公式是海堤趾部的相对波高和相对波峰干舷的函数,而没有包含光谱周期。使用有量纲和无量纲参数的各种组合来研究新公式的性能。该公式是海堤趾部的相对波高和相对波峰干舷的函数,而没有包含光谱周期。使用有量纲和无量纲参数的各种组合来研究新公式的性能。