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Validation of Pressure Drop in Gas–Fine Flow in a Packed Bed with Various Types of Injection System (Lateral and Bottom)
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12666-020-01990-0
Smita Kamble , S. Lakshminarasimha , A. Maurya , G. S. Gupta

Two-dimensional study of gas–fine flow in a packed bed is done using both the experimental and theoretical techniques. Two types of injection systems (lateral for rectangular system and bottom for cylindrical system) are used to cover the wide range of flow behaviour. Pressure drop study is done in the presence of raceway and tuyere protrusion under decreasing gas velocity condition in order to simulate the ironmaking blast furnace (BF) conditions. Experimentally, it is observed that after fine injection, pressure loss increases slightly inside the packed bed. Developed model is able to predict the pressure loss reasonably well against experimental and published data for both clean gas and gas–fine flow in a packed bed with various types of injection systems. Tuyere protrusion and without raceway simulation results show a wide variation in pressure loss.



