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Language and Literacy Together: Supporting Grammatical Development in Dual Language Learners With Risk for Language and Learning Difficulties.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: 10.1044/2020_lshss-19-00055
Lisa M Bedore 1 , Elizabeth D Peña 2 , Christine Fiestas 3 , Mirza J Lugo-Neris 4

Purpose Early Interventions in Reading (Vaughn et al., 2006), the only literacy intervention with demonstrated effectiveness for U.S. dual language learners, was enhanced to support the development of oral language (vocabulary, grammar, and narrative) and literacy, which we refer to as "Language and Literacy Together." The primary focus of this study is to understand the extent to which grammatical skills of bilinguals with risk for language and/or reading difficulties improve in the Language and Literacy Together intervention. Method Fifteen first-grade dual language learners with risk for language and/or reading difficulties participated in an enhanced version of Early Interventions in Reading in Spanish. Children completed pre- and postintervention evaluations in Spanish and English, including grammatical testing from the Bilingual English Spanish Oral Screener (Peña et al., 2008) and narrative evaluation Test of Narrative Language story prompts (Gillam & Pearson, 2004; Gillam et al., n.d.). Data from six comparison participants with typical language skills who completed pre- and posttesting demonstrate the stability of the measures. Results The intervention group made gains in English and Spanish as evidenced by significant increases in their cloze and sentence repetition accuracy on the Bilingual English Spanish Oral Screener Morphosyntax subtest. They increased productivity on their narratives in Spanish and English as indexed by mean length of utterance in words but did not make gains in their overall grammaticality. Conclusions Structured intervention that includes an emphasis on grammatical elements in the context of a broader intervention can lead to change in the production of morphosyntax evident in both elicited constructions and narrative productivity as measured by mean length of utterance in words. Additional work is needed to determine if and how cross-linguistic transfer might be achieved for these learners.



目的 阅读早期干预(Vaughn 等,2006)是唯一对美国双语学习者有效的读写干预,它得到加强以支持口语(词汇、语法和叙述)和读写能力的发展,我们将其称为称为“语言和读写能力在一起”。本研究的主要重点是了解有语言和/或阅读困难风险的双语者的语法技能在语言和读写能力共同干预中得到改善的程度。方法 十五名有语言和/或阅读困难风险的一年级双语学习者参加了西班牙语阅读早期干预的增强版。儿童完成了西班牙语和英语的干预前和干预后评估,包括双语英语西班牙语口语筛选器的语法测试(Peña 等人,2008 年)和叙事语言故事提示测试的叙事评估测试(Gillam 和 Pearson,2004 年;Gillam 等人,2004 年)。 ,nd)。来自六位具有典型语言技能、完成前后测试的比较参与者的数据证明了这些措施的稳定性。结果 干预组在英语和西班牙语方面取得了进步,其在双语英语西班牙语口语筛查形态句法子测试中的完形填空和句子重复准确性显着提高就证明了这一点。他们提高了西班牙语和英语叙述的效率(以平均话语长度为指标),但整体语法水平并未提高。 结论 结构化干预,包括在更广泛的干预背景下强调语法元素,可以导致形态句法产生的变化,这在引出结构和叙事生产力(以单词平均话语长度来衡量)中表现出明显的变化。需要进行额外的工作来确定是否以及如何为这些学习者实现跨语言迁移。