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Status Variation in Anticipatory Stressors and Their Associations with Depressive Symptoms.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0022146520921375
Matthew K Grace 1

Members of structurally disadvantaged social groups report more frequent exposure to a variety of negative life events and chronic strains, yet little research has examined whether similar patterns exist for anticipatory stressors, or challenging circumstances that loom as potential threats in the future. This study uses data collected as part of a national survey of college seniors (N = 995) to examine how anticipatory stress regarding economic and residential security, exposure to traumatic events, and experiences of discrimination vary by gender identity, race-ethnicity, sexual orientation, and first-generation college student status. Consistent with stress theory, anticipatory stressors are more commonly reported by members of disadvantaged groups. Notably, variation in anticipatory stressors explains a nontrivial proportion of differences in depressive symptoms found across gender identity and sexual orientation categories. Findings signal the necessity of incorporating anticipatory stressors into research in the stress paradigm to further disentangle the contributions of social stressors to health disparities.



结构上处于不利地位的社会群体的成员报告说,他们更频繁地暴露于各种负面生活事件和慢性压力下,但是很少有研究检查预期压力源是否存在类似的模式,或者是否存在挑战性的情况,这些情况将来会成为潜在的威胁。这项研究使用收集的数据作为全国大学高年级学生调查(N = 995)的一部分,以调查有关经济和居住安全,遭受创伤事件以及歧视经历的预期压力如何因性别认同,种族种族,性取向而变化,以及第一代大学生身份。与压力理论相一致,预期压力源由弱势群体成员报告。值得注意的是 预期压力源的差异解释了在性别认同和性取向类别中发现的抑郁症状差异的重要程度。研究结果表明,有必要将预期压力源纳入压力范式的研究中,以进一步区分社会压力源对健康差异的贡献。