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Non-Linear Regression Modelling to Estimate the Global Warming Potential of a Newspaper
Entropy ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.3390/e22050590
Alexis Lozano , Pedro Cabrera , Ana M. Blanco-Marigorta

Technological innovations are not enough by themselves to achieve social and environmental sustainability in companies. Sustainable development aims to determine the environmental impact of a product and the hidden price of products and services through the concept of radical transparency. This means that companies should show and disclose the impact on the environment of any good or service. This way, the consumer can choose in a transparent manner, not only for the price. The use of the eco-label as a European eco-label, which bases its criteria on life cycle assessment, could provide an indicator of corporate social responsibility for a given product. However, it does not give a full guarantee that the product was obtained in a sustainable manner. The aim of this work is to provide a way of calculating the value of the environmental impacts of an industrial product, under different operating conditions, so that each company can provide detailed information on the impacts of its products, information that can form part of its "green product sheet". As a case study, the daily production of a newspaper, printed by coldset, has been chosen. Each process involved in production was configured with raw material and energy consumption information from production plants, manufacturer data and existing databases. Four non-linear regression models have been trained to estimate the impact of a newspaper’s circulation from five input variables (pages, grammage, height, paper type, and print run) with 5508 data samples each. These non-linear regression models were trained using the Levenberg–Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithm. The mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE) obtained by all the non-linear regression models tested were less than 5%. Through the proposed correlations, it is possible to obtain a score that reports on the impact of the product for different operating conditions and several types of raw materials. Ecolabelling can be further developed by incorporating a scoring system for the impact caused by the product or process, using a standardised impact methodology.



技术创新本身不足以实现公司的社会和环境可持续性。可持续发展旨在通过彻底透明的概念来确定产品对环境的影响以及产品和服务的隐藏价格。这意味着公司应该展示和披露任何商品或服务对环境的影响。这样,消费者可以以透明的方式进行选择,而不仅仅是价格。使用生态标签作为欧洲生态标签,其标准基于生命周期评估,可以为特定产品提供企业社会责任的指标。但是,它并不能完全保证产品是以可持续的方式获得的。这项工作的目的是提供一种计算工业产品在不同操作条件下的环境影响价值的方法,以便每家公司都可以提供有关其产品影响的详细信息,这些信息可以构成其产品的一部分。 “绿色产品表”。作为一个案例研究,选择了冷固印刷的报纸的日常生产。生产中涉及的每个流程都配置了来自生产工厂、制造商数据和现有数据库的原材料和能源消耗信息。四个非线性回归模型已经过训练,可以根据五个输入变量(页数、克重、高度、纸张类型和印数)估计报纸发行量的影响,每个变量有 5508 个数据样本。这些非线性回归模型使用 Levenberg-Marquardt 非线性最小二乘算法进行训练。所有测试的非线性回归模型获得的平均绝对百分比误差 (MAPE) 均小于 5%。通过建议的相关性,可以获得报告产品对不同操作条件和几种类型原材料的影响的分数。生态标签可以通过使用标准化的影响方法结合对产品或过程造成的影响的评分系统来进一步发展。可以获得报告产品对不同操作条件和几种类型原材料的影响的分数。生态标签可以通过使用标准化的影响方法结合对产品或过程造成的影响的评分系统来进一步发展。可以获得报告产品对不同操作条件和几种类型原材料的影响的分数。生态标签可以通过使用标准化的影响方法结合对产品或过程造成的影响的评分系统来进一步发展。