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Corrosion initiation of Hastelloy C‐2000 in an HCl‐polluted atmosphere
Materials and Corrosion ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1002/maco.202011662
Florence Lequien 1 , Gervaise Moine 1 , Jérôme Tosi 2

In this study, welded and non‐welded Hastelloy C‐2000 samples are tested at room temperature in HCl environments, with two experiments: one in hydrochloric acid solutions and one in HCl vapor/condensate phases. In the hydrochloric acid solutions, there is no corrosion after more than 900 hr of exposure. In the humid air polluted by HCl, corrosion occurs in the form of an intergranular attack at the metal grain boundaries. In the weld bead zone, areas rich in molybdenum and depleted of nickel seem to be less susceptible to corrosion than the zones depleted of molybdenum and rich in nickel. This study highlights that Hastelloy C‐2000, exposed to HCl vapor/condensate phases, is more penalizing than when immersed in an HCl solution, which is due to the presence of oxygen.


Hastelloy C-2000在受HCl污染的环境中的腐蚀引发

在本研究中,已焊接和未焊接的Hastelloy C-2000样品均在室温下的HCl环境中进行了两项实验:一项是在盐酸溶液中进行,另一项是在HCl蒸气/冷凝水相中进行。在盐酸溶液中,暴露超过900小时后没有腐蚀。在被HCl污染的潮湿空气中,腐蚀以金属晶界处的晶间腐蚀形式发生。在焊缝区中,富钼和镍贫化区似乎比富钼和镍富集区更不易腐蚀。这项研究突出表明,暴露于HCl蒸气/冷凝相的Hastelloy C-2000比浸入HCl溶液中(由于存在氧气)更不利。