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Comparative epidermal microstructure anatomy and limb and tail osteology of eyelid geckos (Squamata: Eublepharidae): Implications of ecomorphological adaptations
Zoologischer Anzeiger ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.05.005
Thore Koppetsch , Wolfgang Böhme , Sebastian Büsse , Stanislav N. Gorb

While the morphology of the adhesive system of geckos has been investigated predominantly in a single species, the tokay Gekko gecko (Linnaeus, 1758), compared to that, there is still the need to examine those traits in a broad diversity of gecko species. Here we focus on the Asian representatives of eublepharid geckos, as a closely related group within Gekkota, and study the anatomy of micro-ornamentation as well as the morphology of bone structures of toes and tails in three species of Eublepharidae. Surface microstructures are described by using SEM microscopy. Osseous structures present in limbs and in the tail are compared by using 3D analysis based on micro-CT data. The presence of epidermal outgrowths associated with friction-enhancement in arboreal representatives of Eublepharidae and the lack of setae in ground-dwelling species is discussed. A clear allocation of the term ‘seta’ is provided. Apart from a comparative consideration of ecomorphological specialisations in limbs, adaptations to the lateral flexibility of the prehensile tail found in Aeluroscalabotes felinus (Günther, 1864) are illustrated.

Correlations between the life style of the species studied and the morphology of their osseous structures in limbs and tail are shown and their significance for locomotion is outlined.



虽然壁虎的黏附系统的形态主要是在一个物种中进行调查的,但托卡式壁虎壁虎(Linnaeus,1758),与此相比,仍然有必要在壁虎种类繁多的物种中检验这些特征。在这里,我们重点关注真骨科壁虎的亚洲代表,这是Gekkota内的一个密切相关的群体,研究了三种真骨科的微装饰的解剖以及脚趾和尾巴的骨结构形态。通过使用SEM显微镜来描述表面微观结构。通过使用基于微型CT数据的3D分析,可以比较四肢和尾巴中存在的骨结构。讨论了在Euplepharidae的树栖代表体中与增强摩擦力相关的表皮增生的存在以及在地面栖居物种中缺乏刚毛的定型。提供了术语“ seta”的明确分配。图示了Aeluroscalabotes felinus(Günther,1864)。

