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Thermoregulatory responses of lower limb amputees during exercise in a hot environment
Journal of Thermal Biology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2020.102609
Hiroshi Hasegawa 1 , Hitoshi Makino 1 , Koki Fukuhara 2 , Yukio Mikami 3 , Hiroaki Kimura 4 , Nobuo Adachi 5

Lower limb amputees (LLAs) have less skin surface required for sweating; thus, the ability to dissipate heat from the body may decrease and the risk of heat illness may increase during exercise in a hot environment. However, no study has compared the thermoregulatory responses during exercise between LLAs and able-body (AB) individuals with different body surface areas. This study aimed to compare the thermoregulatory responses of LLAs with those of AB individuals during exercise in a hot environment. Seven LLAs (LLA group) and 7 able-body individuals (AB group) participated in the study. A 60% peak power output of arm crank upper-body exercise was performed for 60 min in a hot environment (32 °C, 50% relative humidity). There was no difference in the increase in rectal temperature (LLA: 0.8 ± 0.2 °C, AB: 0.8 ± 0.2 °C) and mean skin temperature between the groups during the 60-min exercise. In the LLA group, the accumulated local sweat rate of the thigh during exercise was significantly higher on the non-cut side than on the cut side (64.6 ± 43.0 mg/h vs. 37.0 ± 27.2 mg/h, p < 0.05). The total sweat rate was significantly higher in the LLA group than in the AB group (1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h vs. 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h, p < 0.05). Thermal sensation and comfort were lower in the LLA group than in the AB group. Different heat loss responses were observed in the AB and LLA groups during exercise in the heat. The LLA group compensates for sweating on the cut side due to an increase in sweat loss on the intact limb, thereby preserving appropriate thermoregulation during exercise.



下肢截肢者 (LLA) 出汗所需的皮肤表面较少;因此,在炎热的环境中锻炼时,身体散发热量的能力可能会降低,中暑的风险可能会增加。然而,没有研究比较 LLA 和体表面积不同的健壮体 (AB) 个体在运动过程中的体温调节反应。本研究旨在比较 LLA 与 AB 个体在炎热环境中锻炼时的体温调节反应。七名 LLA(LLA 组)和 7 名身体健全的人(AB 组)参与了这项研究。在炎热的环境(32°C,50% 的相对湿度)中进行 60% 的臂曲柄上肢运动峰值功率输出 60 分钟。直肠温度升高没有差异(LLA:0.8±0.2°C,AB:0.8±0。2 °C) 和 60 分钟运动期间各组之间的平均皮肤温度。在 LLA 组中,运动过程中大腿的累积局部汗液率在非切割侧显着高于切割侧(64.6 ± 43.0 mg/h vs. 37.0 ± 27.2 mg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的总出汗率明显高于 AB 组(1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h 对 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的热感觉和舒适度低于 AB 组。AB 组和 LLA 组在高温运动期间观察到不同的热损失反应。由于完整肢体的汗水流失增加,LLA 组补偿了切割侧的出汗,从而在运动过程中保持适当的体温调节。运动过程中大腿的累积局部汗水率在非切割侧显着高于切割侧(64.6 ± 43.0 mg/h vs. 37.0 ± 27.2 mg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的总出汗率明显高于 AB 组(1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h 对 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的热感觉和舒适度低于 AB 组。AB 组和 LLA 组在高温运动期间观察到不同的热损失反应。由于完整肢体的汗水流失增加,LLA 组补偿了切割侧的出汗,从而在运动过程中保持适当的体温调节。运动过程中大腿的累积局部汗水率在非切割侧显着高于切割侧(64.6 ± 43.0 mg/h vs. 37.0 ± 27.2 mg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的总出汗率明显高于 AB 组(1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h 对 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的热感觉和舒适度低于 AB 组。AB 组和 LLA 组在高温运动期间观察到不同的热损失反应。由于完整肢体的汗水流失增加,LLA 组补偿了切割侧的出汗,从而在运动过程中保持适当的体温调节。LLA 组的总出汗率明显高于 AB 组(1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h 对 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的热感觉和舒适度低于 AB 组。AB 组和 LLA 组在高温运动期间观察到不同的热损失反应。由于完整肢体的汗水流失增加,LLA 组补偿了切割侧的出汗,从而在运动过程中保持适当的体温调节。LLA 组的总出汗率明显高于 AB 组(1.18 ± 0.37 kg/h 对 0.84 ± 0.10 kg/h,p < 0.05)。LLA 组的热感觉和舒适度低于 AB 组。AB 组和 LLA 组在高温运动期间观察到不同的热损失反应。由于完整肢体的汗水流失增加,LLA 组补偿了切割侧的出汗,从而在运动过程中保持适当的体温调节。