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The problem of the equivalent time to start the internal frost resistance test on self-compacting concrete with supplementary cementitious materials
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101503
Beata Łaźniewska-Piekarczyk , Adam Piekarczyk

The article presents the results of tests on frost resistance of self-compacting concretes made with the use of cement containing mineral additives after 150 freezing and thawing cycles. Concrete with types of cement containing 30 and 50% blast furnace slag, cement with 30% silica fly ash and with types of cement containing both slag and ash with a combined proportion of 60% (30% both mineral components) and 80% (45% slag and 35% ash). The relative dynamic modulus of elasticity determined based on the ultrasonic pulse transit time RDMUPTT was used as the basis for the measure of frost resistance. The tests were carried out on cubic specimens with a side length of 150 mm, which are standard for testing the compressive strength of concrete.

The relative dynamic modulus of elasticity RDMUPTT has proved to be a qualitatively correct measure of concrete's frost resistance. The RDMUPTT values corresponded to the values of the auxiliary measure, which in this case was the relative decrease in specimen mass. It was confirmed that tests on frost resistance of concretes with mineral additives should be started in the so-called “equivalent time” depending on the cement composition. Due to the varied increases in concrete strength over time, the consideration of “equivalent time” is intended to improve the reliability of testing methods, including the ultrasonic method. Tests have also shown that the use of an additive in the form of silica fly ash can weaken concrete frost resistance, especially when the fly ash to clinker ratio is high. A positive effect of the addition of granulated blast furnace slag on the frost resistance of concrete was also noticed.



本文介绍了使用含矿物添加剂的水泥经过150次冻融后制成的自密实混凝土的抗冻性测试的结果。水泥类型包含30%和50%的高炉矿渣,水泥包含30%的硅粉煤灰以及水泥类型同时包含矿渣和灰分的比例分别为60%(矿物成分均为30%)和80%(45) %的渣和35%的灰分)。基于超声脉冲传播时间RDM UPTT确定的相对动态弹性模量用作测量抗冻性的基础。测试是在边长为150毫米的立方试样上进行的,这是测试混凝土抗压强度的标准方法。

RDM UPTT的相对动态弹性模量已被证明是混凝土抗冻性的定性正确度量。该RDM UPTT值对应于辅助测量的值,在这种情况下为样品质量的相对减少。已经证实,取决于矿物成分,应在所谓的“等效时间”内开始对含有矿物添加剂的混凝土的抗冻性进行测试。由于混凝土强度随时间的变化而变化,因此考虑“等效时间”旨在提高测试方法(包括超声方法)的可靠性。试验还表明,使用二氧化硅粉煤灰形式的添加剂会削弱混凝土的抗冻性,特别是当粉煤灰与熟料的比例较高时。还注意到添加粒状高炉矿渣对混凝土的抗冻性有积极作用。
