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Dust and radon levels on the west coast of Namibia – What did we learn?
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2020.05.020
Hanlie Liebenberg-Enslin , Detlof von Oertzen , Norwel Mwananawa

The study investigated the potential for adverse health impacts from exposures to inhalable atmospheric dust and radon in the main towns along Namibia's central-western coast. An ambient air quality monitoring network was established at the end of 2016 to measure and track the inhalable dust (specifically PM10) and radon concentrations. Data collected between November 2016 and the end of December 2018 were assessed and selected PM10 samples were analysed for mineral and radionuclide content. In addition, emissions from anthropogenic sources were quantified and simulated using a regional dispersion model.

Episodic dust storms associated with easterly winds are a common phenomenon during the winter months in the western part of Namibia. During such events, dust is transported over long distances westwards towards and well into the Atlantic Ocean. In view of the natural and anthropogenic nature of atmospheric dust, the study differentiated between sources of natural dust and those arising as a result of man-made processes.

It was found that PM10 concentrations were, on average, higher at the coastal monitoring stations than at the stations located further inland, often exceeding the daily World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline value. Whilst high atmospheric dust concentrations were mostly associated with easterly wind conditions, sea salt was found to be a significant PM10 contributor at the coastal stations. Modelled results, which only included emissions from man-made sources, indicated that these sources contribute very little to the total PM10 concentrations measured at the coastal towns.

The radiation exposure doses associated with the inhalation of atmospheric dust and radon were found to be well-below the world-wide average inhalation doses provided by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).



这项研究调查了纳米比亚中西部沿海沿线主要城镇暴露于可吸入的大气尘埃和adverse对健康造成的不利影响。2016年底建立了环境空气质量监测网络,以测量和跟踪可吸入粉尘(特别是PM 10)和ra浓度。评估了2016年11月至2018年12月末收集的数据,并分析了所选的PM 10样品中的矿物质和放射性核素含量。此外,使用区域扩散模型对人为源的排放进行了量化和模拟。


结果发现,沿海监测站的PM 10浓度平均高于内陆监测站,通常超过世界卫生组织(WHO)的每日指导值。尽管高浓度的大气尘埃主要与东风有关,但在沿海站点发现海盐是PM 10的重要贡献者。模拟结果(仅包括人为排放源)表明,这些排放源对沿海城镇测得的PM 10总浓度几乎没有贡献。

