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Virtual Colorectal Cancer Surveillance: Bringing Scope Rate to Target.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2020.05.011
Gretchen C Edwards 1 , Kristy K Broman 2 , Richard L Martin 3 , Walter E Smalley 4 , LeaAnne Smith 5 , Rebecca A Snyder 6 , Carmen C Solórzano 7 , Robert S Dittus 8 , Christianne L Roumie 8


Although endoscopy is recommended at 1 year after colorectal cancer (CRC) resection to detect locally recurrent CRC, earlier work at our Veterans Affairs (VA) facility demonstrated that 35% of patients achieve this metric.

Study Design

The interdisciplinary team used quality improvement methods to standardize processes and implement a gastroenterology-managed virtual surveillance clinic. The intervention clinic was implemented in August 2014. Veterans who underwent resection for stage I to III CRC at a single VA facility from January 2010 to December 2017 were included, with those undergoing resection between January 2010 and July 2014 considered pre-intervention and those undergoing resection between August 2014 and December 2017 considered post-intervention. The primary endpoint was the proportion of eligible patients for whom endoscopy was completed within 1 year of resection. Secondary outcomes were the proportion of patients who completed endoscopy within 18 months of resection or at any time post-resection and time to surveillance endoscopy.


A total of 186 patients underwent resection for stage I to III CRC from 2010 to 2017; of these, 160 (86%) were eligible for endoscopy at 1-year post-resection (98 pre-intervention and 62 post-intervention). In the pre-intervention period, 30 of 98 patients (30.6%) underwent surveillance endoscopy within 1 year vs 31 of 62 (50.0%) post-intervention (p = 0.031). When evaluated at 18 months after resection, 56 of 98 patients (57.1%) in the pre-intervention group vs 52 of 62 (83.9%) in the post-intervention group underwent surveillance endoscopy (p = 0.001). Median time from resection to endoscopy decreased during the study period, from 1.19 years pre-intervention (interquartile range 0.93 to 1.74 years) to 1.0 years post-intervention (interquartile range 0.93 to 1.09 years) (p = 0.006).


Implementation of a virtual surveillance clinic with standardized processes was associated with increased guideline-concordant endoscopic surveillance after CRC resection.








从2010年至2017年,共186例患者接受了I至III期CRC切除术; 其中160例(86%)在切除后1年内有资格接受内镜检查(干预前98例,干预后62例)。在干预前阶段,在98名患者中有30名(30.6%)在一年内接受了监测内窥镜检查,而在干预后的62名中有31名(50.0%)接受了内窥镜检查(p = 0.031)。在切除后18个月进行评估时,干预前组的98例患者中有56例(57.1%),干预后组的62例中有52例(83.9%)接受了内窥镜检查(p = 0.001)。在研究期间,从切除到内窥镜检查的中位时间减少了,从干预前的1.19年(四分位数的范围为0.93至1.74年)到干预后的1.0年(四分位数的范围为0.93至1.09年)(p = 0.006)。


