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LED based Fourier transform absorption spectroscopy of H217O in the 14900–15600 cm−1 spectral region
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107101
I.A. Vasilenko , O.V. Naumenko , V.I. Serdyukov , L.N. Sinitsa

The vibration-rotation absorption spectrum of 17O-enriched water vapor in the range 14900–15600 cm−1 was recorded for the first time by a Fourier Transform Spectrometer coupled to a multi-pass White-type cell providing an optical path length of 34.8 m at room temperature with a spectral resolution of 0.05 cm−1 using high luminance LED (light emitting diode) light source. The high signal-to-noise ratio allowed for the accurate determination of 1047 positions of water lines, of which 661 lines were attributed to the H217O water isotopologue. The rovibrational assignment was based on new variational calculations, which allowed retrieving 285 experimental rotational-vibrational energy levels belonging to twelve vibrational states of the H217O molecule: (410), (330), (311), (231), (212), (151), (033), (052), (113), (132), (180), and (081). The 3ν123, 2ν1+3ν23 and 4ν12 vibrational bands centered, respectively, at 15325.617, 15095.166 and 15322.533 cm−1, dominate the spectrum. A detailed comparison of the H217O line intensities recorded in this study with observed literature data and with recent high-precision variational calculations showed that the calculated intensities for the (231) - (000) band are weaker by 57% than the experimental ones. The data set obtained in this study will help to improve the quality of variational calculations for water vapor.


在14900-15600 cm -1光谱范围内H 2 17 O的基于LED的傅里叶变换吸收光谱

首次通过傅立叶变换光谱仪记录了17 O富集的水蒸气在14900–15600 cm -1范围内的振动-旋转吸收光谱,该光谱仪与多通道白色型电池耦合,光程长度为34.8使用高亮度LED(发光二极管)光源在室温下以0.05 cm -1的光谱分辨率测量m 。高信噪比可精确确定供水管线的1047个位置,其中661个管线归因于H 2 17O水同位素。振动分配基于新的变分计算,该计算允许检索属于H 2 17 O分子的十二种振动状态的285个实验旋转振动能级:(410),(330),(311),(231),( 212),(151),(033),(052),(113),(132),(180)和(081)。所述3ν 123,2ν 1 +3ν 23和4ν 1个2个振动谱带中心,分别在15325.617,15095.166和15322.533厘米-1,占主导地位的频谱。H 2 17的详细比较通过观察的文献数据和最近的高精度变分计算,本研究中记录的O线强度表明(231)-(000)谱带的强度比实验值弱了57%。在这项研究中获得的数据集将有助于提高水蒸气变化计算的质量。
