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Thermochronological and Geochronological Constraints on Late Cretaceous Unroofing and Proximal Sedimentation in the Sevier Orogenic Belt, Utah
Tectonics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1029/2019tc005794
Edgardo J. Pujols 1, 2 , Daniel F. Stockli 2 , Kurt N. Constenius 3 , Brian K. Horton 2, 4

A source‐to‐sink analysis incorporating geochronometric and thermochronometric data from the Sevier fold‐thrust belt (SFTB) and proximal synorogenic strata of the Canyon Range Conglomerate (CRC) and Indianola Group (IG) provides new insights into orogenic exhumation, erosional unroofing, and the interplay between thrusting and coarse clastic deposition in the Cretaceous Cordilleran foreland basin of western North America. Zircon (U‐Th)/He ages from the Pavant and Nebo thrust sheets record significant Cenomanian cooling indicative of synchronous exhumation and thrusting along a large segment of the SFTB in central and northern Utah. Detrital zircon (U‐Th)/He (DZHe) ages indistinguishable from depositional ages from the Cenomanian Dakota Formation and lower CRC also record rapid unroofing of the SFTB and synchronous deposition. DZHe data from wedge‐top deposits of the CRC record two significant unroofing episodes: Albo‐Cenomanian exhumation of the Pavant thrust and progressive unroofing of the Canyon Range culmination. For the IG, the presence of Paleozoic DZHe ages along with Paleozoic‐Mesozoic DZ U‐Pb ages in the Cenomanian Sanpete Formation suggests derivation from Paleozoic to Jurassic strata exhumed in the frontal Pavant and Nebo thrust sheets. After the Cenomanian episode of rapid exhumation, proximal foredeep strata recorded a widespread DZ provenance shift in the Turonian. Short DZHe lag time values from Campanian CRC and IG deposits reveal rapid exhumation of the SFTB during the Campanian. The synchroneity of major shortening and Campanian and Cenomanian changes in foreland basin architecture and provenance supports models proposing that active shortening in the fold‐thrust belt coincides with coarse clastic influx in foreland basins.



源到汇的分析结合了Sevier褶皱冲断带(SFTB)和Canyon Range Conglomerate(CRC)和Indianola Group(IG)的近端成因地层的地时和热时计数据,可提供有关造山带化,侵蚀性屋面,北美西部白垩纪科迪勒兰前陆盆地的逆冲与粗碎屑沉积之间的相互作用。来自Pavant和Nebo逆冲片的Zircon(U‐Th)/ He年龄记录了明显的塞诺曼期降温,这表明在犹他州中部和北部沿着SFTB的很大一部分进行了同步掘尸和逆冲。碎屑锆石(U‐Th)/ He(DZHe)年龄与西诺曼尼亚达科他组的沉积年龄和较低的CRC年龄没有区别,也记录了SFTB的快速解顶和同步沉积。CRC楔顶沉积物的DZHe数据记录了两个重要的顶顶事件:Pavant冲断的阿尔博-塞诺曼期掘出和Canyon Range顶峰的逐步顶顶。对于IG,在新生代Sanpete组中出现了古生代DZHe年龄以及古生代-中生代DZ U-Pb年龄,这表明额叶Pavant和Nebo逆冲片中从古生代到侏罗系地层。在快速采掘出的塞诺曼尼亚事件之后,近端前深层在土伦地区记录了广泛的DZ物源偏移。来自Campanian CRC和IG矿床的短DZHe滞后时间值揭示了Campanian期间SFTB的快速发掘。