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Tethering role of the autonomic nervous system on cardioventilatory coupling.
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.resp.2020.103466
Riccardo Colombo 1 , Maddalena Alessandra Wu 2 , Andrea Perotti 1 , Laura Saia 3 , Tommaso Fossali 1 , Davide Ottolina 1 , Beatrice Borghi 1 , Antonio Castelli 1 , Roberto Rech 1 , Chiara Cogliati 2 , Emanuele Catena 1

Hypovolemia and intermittent positive pressure ventilation are conditions that frequently characterize the state of critical illness, but their interaction and resulting cardioventilatory coupling is poorly understood even in healthy humans.

We explored heart rate variability, baroreflex activity, and their interaction in an experimental protocol involving twelve mildly hypovolemic healthy subjects during spontaneous breathing and noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation. In seven subjects, an echocardiographic assessment was also performed.

Correction of hypovolemia, raising cardiac preload, produced an increase in high-frequency spectral power density of heart rate, left low-frequency spectral power density unchanged but enhanced baroreflex sensitivity. Cardioventilatory coupling was affected by both central blood volume and ventilatory mode and was mainly entrained by the respiratory oscillation.

In conclusion, the autonomic nervous system and baroreflex have a significant role in compensating the hemodynamic perturbation due to changes of volemia and ventilatory-induced fluctuations of venous return. They exert an integrative function on the adaptive pattern of cardioventilatory coupling.




我们在一项涉及 12 名轻度低血容量健康受试者在自主呼吸和无创正压通气期间的实验方案中探索了心率变异性、压力反射活动及其相互作用。在七名受试者中,还进行了超声心动图评估。


