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Flying More Efficiently: Joint Impacts of Fuel Prices, Capital Costs and Fleet Size on Airline Fleet Fuel Economy
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106714
Zsuzsanna Csereklyei , David I. Stern

We investigate the factors that affect airlines' choice of fleet fuel economy using aircraft-level data for 1267 airlines in 174 countries. Larger and newer aircraft are usually more fuel-efficient. Controlling for the effect of aircraft size and age, we find that the technically achievable fleet fuel economy improves with the size of airlines and the price of fuel and worsens with higher capital costs. The elasticity of fuel economy with respect to the price of fuel is between −0.07 and −0.13. We find evidence for regional differences in fleet fuel economy that are attributable to the adoption of distinct groups of technologies.



我们使用 174 个国家/地区的 1267 家航空公司的飞机级数据调查了影响航空公司选择机队燃油经济性的因素。更大和更新的飞机通常更省油。控制飞机尺寸和机龄的影响,我们发现技术上可实现的机队燃油经济性随着航空公司规模和燃油价格的提高而提高,随着资本成本的提高而恶化。燃料经济性相对于燃料价格的弹性介于 -0.07 和 -0.13 之间。我们发现了可归因于采用不同技术组的车队燃油经济性区域差异的证据。