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Scaling up the surveillance of childhood cancer: a global roadmap.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djaa069
Marion Piñeros 1 , Les Mery 1 , Isabelle Soerjomataram 1 , Freddie Bray 1 , Eva Steliarova-Foucher 1

The World Health Organization recently launched the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer aiming to substantially increase survival among children with cancer by 2030. The ultimate goal concerns particularly less developed countries where survival estimates are considerably lower than in high-income countries where children with cancer attain approximately 80% survival. Given the vast gap in high-quality data availability between more and less developed countries, measuring the success of the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer will also require substantial support to childhood cancer registries to enable them to provide survival data at the population level. Based on our experience acquired at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in global cancer surveillance, we hereby review crucial aspects to consider in the development of childhood cancer registration and present our vision on how the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development can accelerate the measurement of the outcome of children with cancer.




世界卫生组织最近发起了“儿童癌症全球倡议”,旨在到 2030 年大幅提高癌症儿童的生存率。最终目标尤其涉及欠发达国家,这些国家的生存率估计大大低于高收入国家,而高收入国家的癌症儿童生存率约为80% 存活率。鉴于发达国家和欠发达国家之间在高质量数据可用性方面存在巨大差距,衡量全球儿童癌症倡议的成功还需要对儿童癌症登记处提供大力支持,使其能够提供人口层面的生存数据。根据我们在国际癌症研究机构在全球癌症监测方面获得的经验,我们特此回顾了儿童癌症登记发展中需要考虑的关键方面,并提出了我们对全球癌症登记发展倡议如何加速衡量儿童癌症登记的愿景。癌症儿童的结果。