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COVID-19: fight or flight
Agriculture and Human Values ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10101-0
Andrew Gunther 1

As a farming organization certifying high-welfare, pasturebased farming practices, we are used to challenges, but this is unlike anything we have faced before. As COVID-19 rolled over the world like an unwelcome smog it became increasingly obvious that organizations and businesses paralyzed by the overwhelming feeling of helplessness would struggle to survive. As the weeks roll on, we realize this may be the defining lesson for the future of sustainable agriculture. Early in the pandemic A Greener World paused auditing, transitioned to remote work and focused solely on meeting our farmers’ needs and helping them adapt to a radically different reality. While this shift happened relatively quickly, I saw more complex supply chains struggle to adapt. If there is wisdom to be gleaned from reflecting as this pandemic unfolds, we hope our observations and conclusions can be of use. From the vantage point of independent, sustainable agriculture, this is what we’ve seen:



作为一个认证高福利、以牧场为基础的农业实践的农业组织,我们已经习惯了挑战,但这与我们以前所面临的任何事情都不同。随着 COVID-19 像不受欢迎的烟雾一样席卷全球,越来越明显的是,因压倒性的无助感而瘫痪的组织和企业将难以生存。随着时间的推移,我们意识到这可能是可持续农业未来的决定性教训。在大流行初期,A Greener World 暂停了审计,转向远程工作,只专注于满足我们农民的需求并帮助他们适应完全不同的现实。虽然这种转变发生得相对较快,但我看到更复杂的供应链难以适应。如果随着这场大流行的蔓延,可以从反思中汲取智慧,我们希望我们的观察和结论能够有用。从独立、可持续农业的角度来看,这就是我们所看到的: