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Distributive food systems to build just and liveable futures
Agriculture and Human Values ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10087-9
Ana Moragues-Faus 1

1 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1 For example, the Spanish government froze mortgage and house rent payments and took control of private hospitals in order to provide healthcare for all in the state of emergency following the COVID-19 outbreak https ://www.lavan guard ia.com/econo mia/20200 331/48214 21737 3/gobie rno-ayuda s-alqui ler-vocid -19-quita s.html. 2 Supermarkets were pointed as responsible for low prices at the farmgate in January 2020 and paying farmers prices below production costs https ://www.elper iodic o.com/es/econo mia/20200 203/gobie rno-compr omete -asoci acion es-agrar ias-evita r-venta -perdi das-78344 24. Also they have been signalled as drivers of price hikes of vegetables in the pandemic by increasing their demand by 3 or 4 and storing these foodstuffs. Consequently, small veg shops offer more expensive produce while supermarkets sell their cheaper vegetables bought weeks before. https ://www.elsal todia rio.com/coron aviru s/espec ularcon-lo-basic o-tiemp os-alarm a.



1 西班牙巴塞罗那大学经济与商业学院 1 例如,西班牙政府冻结了抵押贷款和房租支付,并控制了私立医院,以便在 COVID-19 之后的紧急状态下为所有人提供医疗保健爆发 https://www.lavan guard ia.com/econo mia/20200 331/48214 21737 3/gobie rno-ayuda s-alqui ler-vocid -19-quita s.html。2 超市被指对 2020 年 1 月农场门口的低价负责,并向农民支付低于生产成本的价格 https://www.elper iodic o.com/es/econo mia/20200 203/gobie rno-compr omete -asoci acion es-agrar ias-evita r-venta -perdi das-78344 24. 此外,通过将需求增加 3 或 4 倍并储存这些食品,它们也被认为是大流行中蔬菜价格上涨的驱动因素。最后,小型蔬菜店提供更昂贵的产品,而超市则出售几周前购买的便宜蔬菜。https://www.elsal todia rio.com/coron aviru s/espec ularcon-lo-basic o-tiemp os-alarm a.